Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Trouble Always Follows Us MK!!




"Jay don't run to far away!" Cole yelled out as he watched Jay walk ahead of them. MK was right beside the freckled boy, Cole just sighed. "Sometimes I feel like he acts childish so you can't just yell at him." Zane said as he strolled up beside Cole.

"Oh no, yeah I know. He does this all on purpose, but I'll get him back at some point."
Cole smiled.

"Kai..please just try to be active. For Jay and MK..please?" Nya was walking behind with Kai, his hair was down and his hood was up. He was looking down at the floor, clear dissapointment and pain evident in his steps.
Nya sighed. "Kai. Please. This once, forget the both knew it was meant to be broken."
Kai gritted his teeth, "Dont say that."

Nya bit her lip. "Promises aren't meant to be kept Kai." Kai just shook his head, as if shaking his head could pop the words right out his ears.

Yet they echoed inside his head. It rung and it hurt deeply.

"Nya please...stop." Kai said. His tone sounded desperate and pained, Nya exhaled softly. A hand wrapped around Kai's shoulders, she pulled him into a hug. One that Kai didn't ignore.

"Good you're finally here! I thought you all left me here," MK hugged Mei. "We would never, plus Jay is also excited to see the inside." Jay was bouncing on his heels again.

His smile shined as his eyes held stars, Cole smiled and Zane gave him a knowing look. "No- Zane we said no teasing about this again..okay?" Zane just smiled and nodded. They all followed Mei and MK into the arcade.

The instant temperature change gave them all chills and before they knew it, Jay was at the food bar ordering something. Cole, Zane, and Kai all took a seat at one of the unoccupied tables near the games. "I'll be going with Mei! Bye bye guys!" Nya followed Mei into the multiple rows of games. Leaving the sight of the boys, "I'll wait for Jay, I want to show him the no gravity dance floor." Cole's mouth fell open at this, "You'll be showing me that later!"

MK just smiled and nodded.

"Cole I got you some cake!!" Jay had a mini cake in his hands and he placed it down right in front of Cole. Cole could literally smell the fresh chocolate swivel up into the air and into his nose. The smell made him give a content sigh as he looked at Jay, "I could kiss you! Thank you Jay!"

Jay's face went beet red and MK pulled him away and into the direction Nya and Mei had gone to.

Zane had a sly smile on his face as he stared at Cole. Cole looked up and locked eyes with Zane, "What?" Zane just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You didn't even realize two things you did in the last thirty seconds." Cole frowned but his fork dug into the cake, he brought the piece of cake up to his mouth eating it.
Cole's eyes widened when he realized what Zane meant.

"There we go, you didn't realize you said-"

"That I could kiss him! A-and he blushed!!" Zane just nodded. It felt like telling a little kid that Santa ate the cookies they put out beside the fire pit.

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