Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

See You On the Other Side

PT 2




"Okay, MK meet Raizou, Raizou meet MK, my successor." The one named Raizou smiled and poked MK's cheek before driving her fingers through his silky black hair. "He seems alright, powerful too. Is Wukong behaving kid?" MK glanced at Wukong and he shook his head violently.

"Don't worry, just playing with ya. Been a while since I saw a mortal with immortal power." MK didn't know how to react so he simply smiled. "Come Raizou, you should meet the other mortals that'll be fighting with us." Raizou was dragged away and her white fur and tail were clear and a bit blinding up close, MK rubbed his eyes as he tried to get the burning white color out of his eyes.

It was finally the day of the battle they were all waiting for, horrible feelings lay in the guts of the Ninja.

Barely the clock was hitting 1:00 PM... the noodle shop was closed by now and nearly everyone was in MK's apartment meeting and studying over the plan they had already repeated so many times it felt like a mantra.
Everyone's roles were unique.

The ninja, which were going to be the ones leading the attack, was the main line of first defense and attack.
They were going to do anything to try and get rid of some of the demons to create a path that'll lead them hopefully to Harumi and their missing green ninja.

Right behind the ninja were Mei, Pigsy, and Sandy(Tang being there for moral support.) Being in the middle and they were told to go absolutely crazy(apart from Sandy, he'll do his best by being kind).
Mei would release the dragon, and attack with everything she had. Making sure her friends don't get hurt. Along with her protecting the ninja as they went along.

And the last three would be Wukong, Raizou, and Macaque. Wukong and Macaque would create clones and would begin to defend everyone's rear. Raizou would mainly be in the sky sweeping demons away with her weather-like abilities. Using her staff to stab and most likely kill many of the demons that dare to even battle her.

Red Son and MK would be right behind the ninja maneuvering their sides and helping the ninja in clearing a path with much more ease. And that was it. The day was only about to begin, and MK's, Mei's, and Pigsy's first war was going to commence, (along with Tang, but again, he's there for moral support.)


"We need to mix everyone!" Commands were shouted out and were barely audible in the craziness of the moving demons. An entire army, "Is water and fire the only elements we have!?" Harumi yelled out in anger as she spoke to a demon bystander. "Water and fire were the only elements we were able to steal from the gods, so yes?" Harumi groaned and simply took out the realm crystal, its size was a nuisance but its glow simply radiated power and destruction.

An earth-shattering roar sounded from behind and Harumi grabbed something at her belt. It was a syringe with the last of the black inky liquid sitting inside. She had succeeded in creating a vial that resulted in her having full power of the dragon. Of course, the only fail was that this vial would take at least two to three hours to fully kick in, and an hour before they start to get ready for their leave and their– well her return to Ninjago city.

The ground shook and she was brought back to reality. Turning around she was quickly met with trees being bent and snapped off the ground as the forest-green colored dragon made its way into the field she and her army rested at.

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