Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ninjago City has Many Hero's




"Wu is there any sign of the Ninja yet? It's been a day..there not back, no one has communicated either.." Wu sighed as he looked up to the screen. It was a radar. Searching for elemental masters.
Multiple popped up but there wasn't sign for any of there team members..

And it worried both Wu and Pixal. She closed her eyes and let out a small sigh of her own, "There not on this world. Not anymore. Even if there in another dimension, I can't pick up the smallest energy of any of them. There no were in this...universe." Wu put a hand on her shoulder and gave a sad glance back up at the radar.

"We should leave. There's no one protecting the city, it's up us." Pixal nodded and shut down the computer screens. "Now let's waste no more time." Pixal followed Wu to the elevator and they both went inside...leaving the base of operations.

In the city there wasn't anything happening. Only some robberies in back allies, but that didn't stop Pixal and Wu from helping.

"We've stopped fifteen muggings in less than an hour. The ninja are gone and nothing has happend," Pixal landed on the rooftop, she sat inside the mech listening to the police station radio. "It still feels so weird not having the kids here." Pixal looked down to were Wu was standing. "I understand. But we'll find a way to bring them back.." Pixal said as she got off her mech and stood beside Wu.

"I just hope it's soon."

Sundown came and the lights in the city already shined bright. "Well there's been no robbery's or anything out of the usual. It's a normal day."  Pixal pulled up her arm and a bright blue light shined out, it was the radar scanner.


"Of them has to use there powers. That's the only chance I have of even picking up the slimmest signal.." Pixal let her arm fall and the screen disappeared. The lights now shined brightly as the sun had left.

"We can only hope they do it soon.." Wu finally sat down watching over the city with Pixal.

The following day came. Wu and Pixal had left Ninjago at two in the morning. Sure that there was nothing that would hurt the city for the night. So they went back to the monastery, Wu went to take a nap and Pixal went down to there base of operations.

Doing anything she could think of to try and find her fellow friends.

But nothing she did worked.

Up until Pixal had caught a signal from a distant radio. It was small and weak but what she heard over it wasn't pleasing.

"Sir the cargo will set in before the sun rises. We have made sure..there are no ninja anywhere. It's as if they have disappeared from everywhere. With no ninja. Our guards are set to be closer to the cargo,"


ixal tried to make the signal stronger but something was interfering with the signal. And she lost the only signal she had.
She hit the dashboard accidently putting a dent in it. "Breath.." Pixal told herself as she looked at the dent she had made. "Aw man I just polished this last week!" Pixal saw the dent she made and sighed.
"Is something wrong?" Wu suddenly said and Pixal shook her head as her head hung low. "There's a shipment. A shipment that isn't supposed to be coming in, there going to come into the docks in an hour."

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