Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Finding Our Way Home




MK walked Into the living room. It was a Sunday. His only days off.

And it had only been a day and Lloyd was still missing....

"I didn't do anything! I promised- I promised him..!" MK stopped walking. The whispers from inside the guest room could be heard through the door. "And he still sacrificed himself for us. I'm such a dumass.." MK knew very well it was Kai.

He seemed to be the closest one to Lloyd. There brotherly bond was strong and unbreakable..

Lloyd did tell him all the times Kai was there to help, protect, and just be there. It made MK smile at the time...because he knew Lloyd was safe with him right there. Not in trouble,-

"He might as well be getting tortured!"

MK exhaled softly. He had been thinking the same thing...althought he didn't want to admit it.
He knew.

From the things Lloyd has told him, he's coming back scarred and bruised..because that's the way they always left him.

"Kai please. We just need a plan, we'll find Greenie as soon as we know where they're keeping him.." MK could hear it was Nya who had spoke.

MK sighed and he stepped away from the door, he rubbed the back of his neck and he thought..

He had nothing in mind. His mind was blank and nothing he thought about was going to help him find Lloyd in any way. MK had walked into the kitchen without noticing, so he decided to grab a glass of water. In makes of possibly drowning out the empty head.

"Hey MK." MK turned around and saw Jay, the freckled boy looked restless and completely tired.
"How'd you sleep?" Jay just fiddled with his fingers before his sleves fell over his hands, "Could've been better, what about you?" MK sighed and placed the now empty glass down. "Could've been better too.."

Jay just nodded. MK could hear the fiddling of cloth against cloth..

"Do you still want to go to the arcade Jay?" MK could hear the small gasp come from behind him, it made him smile. "R-really?" MK nodded and turned around, Jay's eyes were practically glowing with stars.

"Can I tell the others!" MK just nodded and watched how Jay bolted out. MK was still getting use to such a weirdly hyper man. It reminded him of how Mei could get hyper with the arcade games.

"When are we going?" Zane spoke up as he carried Jay on his back. Cole was tying his jacket around his waist walking beside Zane. "Mei is free around seven. We can go to the arcade and meet her there, yeah?" Nya yawned walking into the kitchen.
"I think we can all agree. We need a clear distraction after.."
They all fell silent. No one wanting to say the words.

"After Lloyd was taken. Just spit it out dammit.." Kai grumbled out. His hair was down and messy, small eye bags under his eyes. MK wanted to say something but he knew Kai wasn't the one to open to him. Just not yet.

"Well we can go later like you said!" Kai had left the group and walked back Into the guest room locking the door, Nya sighed and went to knock on the door.

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