Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

It Has Only Begun




Lloyd woke up inside a cage.

Once again, he was stuck inside his now most likely signature object.

"Cages." Lloyd whispered to himself, he lied on his back the best he could, comfort was long gone as the stone below him was cold and oddly cracked with yellow streaks almost everywhere. He knew it was vengestone, it was unmistakable.

Footsteps rung in the cave that Lloyd was being held in, his head moved to the right, his sight was cut short with the bars and the floor that he lied on.

"Is he awake?" A familiar voice said, it perked Lloyd's curiosity and he moved. His movements moved the cage as it swung softly, "I see he is now."
Footsteps softly treaded away and Lloyd peeked through the thick bars, his green eyes meeting black ones.. "We meet again Lloyd." She said, smile wide with pride.

'Taunting pride...' Lloyd thought to himself, he yawned and his eyes closed. He was going to show no interest in listening to the woman any longer.
She rolled her eyes, "Were going back to Ninjago the day after tomorrow, you slept for quite awhile now.." Her voice, calm and collected as she watched Lloyd's figure shift with the information.

"With you being asleep I was able to see how far your change has grown." Lloyd's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes looked attentive. It made Harumi smirk, "The rapid speed this universe has done to you is extraordinary. All your cells have recollected and are now changing into your shared Oni and Dragon blood, bonding your Oni and Dragon blood into the more dominant one." Lloyd's eyes shot wide when he heard what she had said.

His body, without thinking, flung up and he was gripping the bars with strength he's never seen himself.

It amazed him..

"That also includes the now rapid growing tail on your behind, the bumps and wet scales on your back, and the dark green horns on your forehead. I can tell the horns won't grow the way they did to Omega, heard that's what you called that chaotic Oni." Lloyd rolled his eyes, he turned away his back facing Harumi. She was right..

Both his horns had grown rapidly but they had also darkened in color, they no longer hurt(much to his pain scale the pain made a solid 4).

Harumi sighed, "If your going to ignore me. Go ahead. I'm not going to waste this information to you if you don't want to listen." She said in a bitterly angry tone. Angry thudding footsteps left the room and Lloyd turned around, he was alone again.

Great....more time with thoughts. He told himself mentally as he sat back down on the cold stone floor.

MK rubbed his face, "And you went for a walk and found Kai coming back here?" Kai. Who was indeed sleeping soundly on the couch, was bandeged up, bruises scattered his body. Nya was right beside him, moving and brushing his hair here and there.

"Yeah." Cole answered as he let out a small yawn. Zane was giving nervous glances to Kai, checking the fire elementals pulse and blood levels. Just in case, he told the others.

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