Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"I Don't Know How To Take Care Of Myself.."




Wu was feeding the chicken, and meanwhile Pixal was upgrading the sentries located outside the monastery.

Pixal sighed and wiped her forehead with her arm, she turned the screw a couple more times before smiling, content with her work.

"Pixal?" Pixal turned around, she saw the grey haired woman and smiled.

Pixal jumped off of the sentry and put the wrench in its tool box before answering, "Hello Misako. What brings you back?" Pixal picked up the tool box walking towards the monastery doors.
Misako followed close behind.
"I heard the news about the ninja, how's Wu?"

Pixal sighed and opened the big wooden doors, they creaked before it stoped.

"He's doing put it simple. Not so great." Wu looked up from the chicken below, once his eyes lied on the two girls he gave a small smile.
Misako gave it back bigger, "Hello, Misako, has something happend?"

Wu rolled the brown bag up, the bag made sound as the peas inside shifted.
"I came back after hearing the news with the ninja. Are you doing okay?" Wu seemed to ponder too long on the question, making Misako ask another one. "Have you tried seeing were they had gone?"

Wu sighed and looked down. Pixal put a hand on Misako's shoulder picking her attention.
"We don't know were they went, we just know the realm crystal was used." Misako nodded, understanding.

"We don't even have the realm crystal in our hands, we can't even save them.." Wu said in a sadend tone. Misako walked foward stopping mere inches away from the man. "They'll find their way back, it's the ninja. Your students, you've trained them to be the best and they are. Trust in them, know they will come back." Wu looked up and looked right into Misako's eyes, his eyes filled with both lost hope and genuine sadness.

"But what if they don't! Who will protect Ninjago in the future!" Misako gave a small smile. Wu sighed and looked back down again.

"Trust in them. They'll find a way back. They always do, Wu." Pixal had walked foward too, standing right beside Wu, placing a hand on the empty shoulder.

"They all know how to take care of themselves, it's just a matter of hope Master Wu.." Wu gave a genuine smile this time.
"I don't know what I would do without the two of you.."

"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELFFF!!" Kai yelled out as he ducked from a knife being thrown at his head, good thing he's good at speed, or else he would've been caught mere seconds ago.

"Get him!!" The Quiet One screeched out, her voice echoed and Kai winced at the high sound. Multiple multicolored demon's launched simultaneously at Kai.

Kai moved away turning around to throw a fireball, his powers were weak..and so was his body.

He was both mentally and physically drained, but he had to get out of this-

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