Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Planning Victory and Defeat




"Yin?" Morro was simply staring at the vial in Harumi's hands now. She looked sick, her skin paler than before, eyes blood red, eyebags, but that didn't stop her insane eyes from popping out the most.

"What are you planning to do with the boy?" Harumi's smile twitched. As if she was annoyed with the question, or the fact she had been ignored. She shrugged and twisted the dark inky vial in her hand.
"He's just a..." She exhaled and her smile was no longer forced but eased, like she had relived a moment she most enjoyed in a blink of an eye. "Lloyd is simply my chess king piece to success. Nothing more. He'll be the pupeted king whie I'm the queen."

This only confused Morro even more. He was going to ask further but she shut the wooden box loudly. Shutting him up instantly.
"I need to get back and make sure he's still under my doses.." She locked the box and placed it back into the cupboard it had come from. The crooked looking key placed at the side, thrown away after being used for something as simple as to keep those two vials in.

Morro left the room first, she still didn't trust Yin to be left last.

"She has serious trust issues." Morro told himself and mentally noted it down to the other things she seriously needs help with.

'Getting various therapy sessions a day' was the first thing on that list.

"That boy cannot stay away from trouble." Red Son was the first to speak after the horrible silence that had tainted them all.

Even Macaque himself.

The ninja frowned and looked at Red Son as if he had committed a crime in front of them.

"We just need our leader back that's all we ask for." Nya stated. Kai had been given warm tea to drink to ease the pain in his throat, "Can we just talk about how we're going to stop her and possibly have the chance to fight him. Or are we too busy thinking about ourselves?" At the end, Kai had looked at Macaque.

Giving him a narrowed eye stare. Macaque gave it back even more fiercer, his ears lowering in anger.
"Be glad I even helped your buddy out. Stay in your lane Kai." Kai scoffed and leaned foward. Macaque doing the same as his eyebrows furrowed in anger.

Kai didn't look scared at all, but Macaque smelled a hint of fear.

"We don't want to lower our numbers now, do we?" Macaque didn't look away from Kai's eyes. Kai was the first as he leaned back and sipped from his tea, looking away. "When this is all over you two need to have a talk." Kai rolled his eyes but he was smacked by Nya as she gave him an angered look.
Kai didn't protest to her, not to her. Never argue back with a girl much less Nya herself.

"Alright, now that the monkey and the hothead are handled. Can we start talking about a plan instead of sitting here like ducks waiting to be picked off?" Everyone simply looked at Red Son. Red Son gave them an angered scowl as he heated up beneath they're eyes. "Get you're filthy eyes off of me before I make you!" His accent was thick as a small flame flickered atop his hair. It blew out quickly as all their eyes left.

"If we want to beat this person you call the Quiet One, we'll need more numbers. Just having nine people won't be enough, I'll go and pull in some favors.." Macaque stood up as he dusted himself off his eyes hung low to the ground. Avoiding all type of eye contact with anyone and everyone.
Wukong glanced from MK to Macaque and sighed, standing up and standing close to Macaque he spoke. "I have someome who can help too." Macaque looked at Wukong confused as ever as he gave a slightly disgusted face.

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