Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Stupid Rescues Don't Work The Way You Plan Them To Go




Cole ended up lossing his dragon mid-air and Jay had to summon his.

They made it back to the apartment and once they got there, they had rushed in, wanting to get the news out as soon as possible.

And once they gave the news of another one of their team mates down, Nya seemed to be the one who snapped.
Mostly because it was Kai who was taken now, and the feeling of being weak and unhelpful didn't help either.

"Nya just sit down and let Zane talk to you, yeah?" Nya shook her head as she hugged herself.

"Do you even know how it feels to lose a brother!" She said between tears. MK had gone to Mei's house for a sleepover and the ninja decided to stay here. It was the only reason it seemed to quiet...till now.

"No. I do not. But Kai and Lloyd both feel like brothers to us." Zane said as he gestured over to Cole and Jay. Nya sighed and she wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry- of course you know. All or you have lost so much...I'm sorry for yelling."

"No need. We're all here for each other, no matter what. We'll find both of our brothers!" Jay said as he pumped a fist into the air, Nya smiled and pumped a fist into the air too. Cole and Zane did the same and they all smiled at each other, "Now rest. Kai is able to hold up for himself awhile."

Cole looked over to Zane, "Way to ruin a cheerful mood with a bed time." Nya and Jay both bursted into laughter and Zane stood there perplexed. "It's just a saying Zane! We need to download some humor and sarcasm into your data base sometime!" Zane still perplexed watched how they all laughed.

"But what would humor and sarcasm help me do?"

That made Cole fall to the floor cackling with laughter. How was this funny?

I have no clue.

"Go now. I want to talk to him before he can get some sleep."
Morro sighed as he stepped in front of Kai. The fire elemental had his head hung low as he groaned in pure pain, "Alright. We'll do this again. Tell me where Lloyd is and I'll let you go with no more scars. Deal?" Kai didn't responded and Morro's smile turned into an annoyed one.

"God must I really do this." Morro grabbed a handful of Kai's hair, lifting the others head. Kai winced at the pain on his head and he soon focused on Morro's black eyes. Kai rolled his eyes, "Your some shithead if you think I'll seriously tell you were Greenie is."

Kai let out a dry chuckle and he watched amused, Morro tightened his grip around the chocolate hair and Kai didn't react.
"Or I can simply torture you myself. You should really look at yourself, you're in no state to take more, much less my methods of torture Kai."

Morro watched how Kai's eyes flickered close before opening again.

"Like I said. You're a real shit head if you think I'll tell you were Greenie is."
Morro let out a groan of annoyance and he let go of Kai's hair, Kai's head fell before he looked up and saw the clear stress Morro was in.
"Guess you chose option B.." Morro watched amused how Kai's eyes furrowed with confusion.

"I'll enjoy this as much as I enjoyed doing it to your little green leader."
Kai frowned. Morro leaned foward as his hands shot up to Kai's head, his fingertips touched down on the side of Kai's head.

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