Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Don't bat an eye..




"I have returned with the DNA you needed." Macaque gave the blonde hair to the Quiet One's hand and she smiled. "Did you make sure he got injured?"

Macaque nodded and she gave a satisfied smile. "Now. I want you to meet the other people that'll be working with you for the time being.." Macaque's ears flickered to his right and he turned to see two strange beings.

A light green skinned man and a orange colored one with no legs but orange clouds. "What-?!" Macaque took a step back unsure of what they can do. "Were no enemies. Harumi said we'll be working together, not against each other. There's no point in me tearing you apart for now," Morro said in a simple tone. Nadakhan had a smirk on his face as he watched Macaque straighten up and stare Morro down.

"Macaque. The second thing I need you to do is bring Morro a human. A vessel for him to take.." Macaque was about to speak before he heard a low grunt come from the one called 'Morro'. He was holding his chest as he was being held up by the orange colored dude. "I'm not going to kidnap a human for him. Let him do it himself!" Macaque stepped back and fell into his shadow portal. Leaving the scene.

Morro screwed his eyes shut as his body became even more unstable.

This realm was affecting him more than he thought it would've. Usually he could hold up this form for at least a he's been here only for a couple hours and he's already having the episodes.

"He needs one soon or he'll pass right through the floor as if nothing." Nadakhan held Morro by his shoulders, making sure he didn't actually go through the floor on accident. "I'll send one of my men to grab a human. But be a little patient, I don't want to accidentally bring attention to us.." Nadakhan gritted his teeth but nodded. He led Morro into one of the more isolated rooms, the ghost needed his space and needed to concentrate until they get him a vessel to use.

Harumi sighed as she sat on her throne. "Yin!!" A blue colored demon came running and stopped were the steps to the throne started, kneeling down as sweat covered his face. "Yes my princess!" Harumi rolled her eyes and leaned foward. "Go fetch me a human. One of our new recruits need them for something important." Yin nodded and left as fast as he had come in.

"He can hold out for another hour or so..after that he'll be no more." Harumi nodded.

She never knew being in control of such a big plan meant to be exhausting by every bit of it. But she was determined to make sure those ninja pay...

Make sure they pay.

Wukong's eyes narrowed and he shuffled beside Kai. "If you need a hug I can give you one?" Kai smiled and turned around to look at Wukong. "You remind me of my master." Wukong was about to respond but he saw as Kai slowly hugged him.

Kai hugged Wukong as if he was a delicate object. And Wukong wrapped his arms around Kai in a protective manner. This kid..

It looked like the Kai dude was really rubbing off on Wukong. Wukong didn't really want to admit it. But he looked like he liked this hot head just as much as MK..weird?

"Come can cry it out." Wukong said as he patted Kai's back softly. Slowly but surely Kai started to cry.

As Wukong patted Kai's back and told him multiple things.

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