Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Son's of Garmadon...? Hire him.




"My princess..." A voice came from a bowed down cloaked person.

"I have located the humans you call ninja...there are staying with the hero of this world." The cloaked person said as they stood straight. A person on top of a throne stood up..
"Is this hero a threat to our plans?..."

"Macaque." The person near the throne said. The cloaked man shook his head. Taking off his hood to show his features.

Five ears. Multicolored.
A cheeky smirk.

"No not at all my princess. I can handle him while you round up some of the demons you've got.." Macaque watched as the cloaked person walked down the steps and came close. "If you fail me I'll make sure to strip you of your powers.." They said in a low whisper. Macaque nodded as his smirk didn't fade.

"I'll make sure you get what you want my princess." Macaque bowed down as a shadow portal below him swallowed him. Disappearing with no trace.

She sighed and took off her own hood.

"Make sure we have all the things we need. We still need to make sure we achieve a hair of Garmadon's son.." The people around nodded and waited..seeing that there princess wasn't yet done. "And make sure you bring me more information about this hero. I want to know were he lives and who he works for. I want everything!!!" The people around bowed down.

"Yes Quite One." They all said in union and she only smiled more..

"Now go get me that info. We need it!"

And instantly. All of the men left.

Leaving the Quiet One to walk back up to her throne and sit upon it.
Still smiling.

"Hey..Lloyd?" MK said as he jumped onto the roof of his apartment. He had spotted Lloyd from afar, "Hey." Lloyd said plainly as he stared down to his hands. "Is something wrong?" MK said as he landed beside Lloyd, looking down to seee Lloyd's hands. He saw nothing but multiple small and big scars scattered on his hands. MK wanted to ask.

He didn't want to be rude. "I got these from so many things.." Lloyd abruptly said catching MK's attention.

"The..scars?" Lloyd nodded and sighed as he looked back up. "If it's not rude to ask. How did you get them?" Lloyd smiled as he looked off into the sky.

"Many of them are from when I was a kid. I got them from these walking and talking snakes, they had kidnapped me and sometimes they would simply cut me for fun. To hear my screams of pain.." Lloyd said as his smile became sad. MK felt his chest hurt at this.

He was a kid..

A kid who got kidnapped and proceeded to be tortured just for fun.

"No one knew. My friends don't even know yet how I got these, I lied and told them I got them from when I tried to escape the snakes." Lloyd made his hands into fists as he remembered. "It's just..I was a kid. And it's more complicated and then...with this potion. I turned 16." MK became confused when Lloyd said the last part.
"What do you mean by 'with this potion. You turned 16'?" Lloyd looked over at MK. His green eyes glossy with unshed tears.

MK wanted to hug him. But he didn't want to make him uncomfortable..not this soon.

"And then- when I got saved. I was told I was a 'monster'..or 'stupid' as to why I unleashed the snakes. MK..I got called the name of my evil father." MK pressed his lips together forming a straight line.. "And you didn' that."

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