Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Shopping and Talking




"So that's everything that's happend with The Son's of Garmadon?" Lloyd nodded and cracked his fingers, MK looked out into the living room thinking over everything Lloyd bad just told him in the past three hours. "And all of that happend in what..? A month?" Lloyd nodded again and laughed when he saw the flabbergasted face of MK's again. "But still- your friends went to a world fill of dragons too!!" MK smoothed his hair back.

"But you never had time to tell me who that red haired guy was? He had a tail too. Is he one of those demon's I've heard about?" During Lloyd's unconsciousness. He had heard that demon's and humans living amongst each other, multiple are good and bad demon's but there's always good and bad somewhere. "Well his name is Red Son. He's a prince to The Demon Bull family and his family absolutely despises me and the Monkie King." MK felt nice talking to Lloyd. Even if it was about him.

The other had this calming personality and it really helped calm MK down, "And well..we've been dating for a couple of months now. In secret of course," Lloyd patted MK's back giving him a smile. "Congrats man! Your dating a handsome demon." They both laughed and kept talking about there worlds and how things run.

Up until shuffling and talking came from the guest room Lloyd stopped talking. He had wanted to hug his friends for awhile now too. "Well now we should check on Lloy-"

"Why did you stop talking Kai? Aw move man I want to see!!" Jay shoved Kai aside and saw what Kai had seen.

A active Lloyd sitting neatly on the couch beside MK. He had a wide smile on his face. "Move you sticky boys!" Nya pushed Kai and Jay out the door and they fell to the floor. Nya laughed and she looked up to see MK and..Lloyd. Her laughter stopped and two more voices came from behind her.

"Why the traffic jam? I'm curios too," Nya stepped aside and saw how Cole and Zane both froze. There faces were instantly filled with smiles. It all happend so fast. One second they were at the guest room door and the next they were on top of Lloyd hugging the light out of him.

MK laughed as he stood up, not wanting to be crushed.

"Ahh! No guys you're going to suffocate me in here!" Lloyd laughed when he saw multiple smiling faces.

"I thought we lost you!!"


"Next time I won't follow orders from you, Greenie!"


"You did something stupid!"


"It was not a smart move to fight.."


"Honestly dude that was generally stupid!"


MK felt a smile creep onto his face.
He hadn't realised but they all reminded him of Mei and him. They were like brothers and they fought and acted like siblings too..thinking about Mei MK hasn't seen her.

He should call her. Make sure she's doing fine.

"Hey MK? How long have both of you been up. You have eyebags under your eyes," Cole was the one who asked. "Around two in the morning I think. But still, I'll be leaving today for work. Pigsy will be so mad that I took more than four days off!" MK stood up and ran over to his room. Shutting the door behind him.

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