Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Deep Wounds and Deep Help




MK started to wake up again as be had fallen asleep right after he saw- no well. Heard. That voice.

The voice of Lloyd..

But why would MK be in that same place too. He didn't know anything about it.
Why was he there.
MK sighed as he rubbed his head. All this thinking was putting him on edge, he didn't fully remember what-

Lloyd's hands shot to his neck trying to pry Macaque's hands off...but he was lossing air. And this high up he was lossing it too quickly. "I had hurt MK with a little weapon your worldly friends gave me. I accidentally cut myself with it...and well lets say. It really hurt..and my powers were weakened. But you my friend. You Lloyd.." Macaque sqeezed more and Lloyd closed his eyes as he moved his head up trying to get air. "Have much power. I can feel it running through your blood, yout not human. And this power-" Macaque smiled as he watched the green vibrant energy slowly pull put of Lloyd..

Drawing itself to Macaque. It slowly touched down onto Macaque's skin and he winced as it felt extremely cold at first...but then he felt it.

Macaque hurt Lloyd. More like drained. But it still did the same Lloyd looked in so much pain while Macaque was taking his power.
It had pained MK to watch, but he wasn't able to move. His wound kept bleeding and
It was healing.

Besides that. Lloyd was drained of his power..and MK was the one who didn't protect him..

MK 1st POV

I sighed as I opened the door I could feel the darkness of the night overwhelm me. I shuttered feeling the cold air hitting my stomach, I needed to find Lloyd. I need to help him, I can't just let Macaque roam free as he plays with the new power he got from Lloyd.

The ones he took..

I shook my head not daring to remember the amount of pain I had felt when my powers were taken away from me.
Now where's Lloyd. I would've thought his friends were going to take him to the guest room. But I found him lying almost lifeless on the scared me. I thought he was actually dead and he was coming to haunt me. But that was just the way he looked like.

Must've been the power drain.

"Lloyd?" I whispered out. I didn't hear anything but I felt tingly on my hands. And then without a warning my hands started to glow gold- this has never happend!? What's going on! "Oh- this is..weird." I lifted my hands and they glowed more as my hands were now beside Lloyd.

I didn't know what I was thinking but I sat down on the floor, my hands on top of Lloyd as they glowed brightly. I exhaled and I closed my eyes.. I quickly fell back into the darkness I had wanted to escape.

And my whole body jerked foward.

I was no longer in my living room..I was in that same darkness, but when I looked down to see myself. I was gold. Fully gold, and glowing.

"MK?" I turned around and saw Lloyd. He had his hands behind his back and he looked dehydrated and just..drained if color.

He looked even more pale and his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat. "Lloyd? Is that really you!" I was going to move before Lloyd shouted out the words I didn't want to hear. "No! MK don't come close..if you do- your powers.. t-they won't work. And you'll be trapped here with me. Listen.." I was listening intently I could feel my ears starting to ring. And Lloyd spoke, "Keep your hands above my chest. You're- charging me!"

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