Chapter 15

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Chapter 15





Wukong was on his cloud, he had gone somewhere after MK's training and now he was coming back home at such a late hour.

The monkey could see the island as he approached quickly, the trees, sand and dirt, he could see everything as he softly touched down on the forest floor.

Multiple smaller monkies ran to Wukong, letting out loud high chirps as they greeted there King from his journey.
"Haha you should all go to sleep! Go go," Wukong pushed multiple small monkies back to the trees. He could hear then refusing but they left either way, hearing the soft chirping become distant as they left the main path trees.

Wukong's ears twitched as he picked up a twig snap...silence and then leaves crunching underneath weight.
He furrowed his eyes and he held his breath, his heartbeat...and he could faintly hear the sound of something being bitten.

Wukong went to investigate, not really having the staff in his possession. So he was going to rely on fists for the time being, and as Wukong walked through the bushes he could hear the sounds better.

Something was being bitten, a fruit of some kind.

Once Wukong had left the shrubs and bushes, he could see a lonely tree on a small hill. And the King's eyes landed on

Mangos don't grow on this island- they don't-


And with that simple word. The sounds abruptly stopped.
Wukong could see the figures arm. Just barely, and they didn't move.

"What are you doing here. And what the hell do you want now..." Wukong stepped foward and the figure didn't move.

With each step Wukong took.

The figure stood comepletly still against the wood behind him.

Wukong stepped away from behind the tree, he could see the figure better now.

His fur, dark and nicely brushed. It looked fluffy with the light shimmer of the moon that had slowly risen, his tail wrapped around a peach on his right. And a mango in his hand.

"I asked a question Macaque. Answer because this island is mine.." Macaque didn't look up but he moved and Wukong just watched how he put his hands up in defense.

"Actually. You asked two questions, not one-" Wukong kneeled down and grabbed Macaque's collar.

Macaque taken aback dropped his mango on the floor, his tail moving behind him the peach also falling to the floor.

"I don't play when it comes to my island. What are you doing here and what the hell do you want Macaque!" Wukong pressed Macaque against the tree harshly. Blocking any way of escape.

Not that the demon even wanted to escape.

Macaque let himself relax against the tree and the grip on his collar. "Macaque fucking answer me!" Macaque just winced as his ears lowered, trying to block the loud yelling.
Wukong ignored the others clear discomfort and let out a low growl.

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