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After the ninja had finally returned back home. They had personally sought to protect the realm crystal at all cost. Knowing the power it truly holds now, they wouldn't even dare to dream about it landing in the wrong hands again.

And that is how the story of two different worlds met each other. Fought along side each other, and won.

At the cost of lossing their precious red and green ninja. The battle was not over, because Kai and Lloyd were yet to awaken from the grasp death had on them.

1 day.

The steady beeping from the heart monitors simply made the ninjas stomach churn even more. They were powerless here. Most of their wounds had been treated, the one who had bled the most had been Kai. He had to get blood transplants here and there because he had lost too much to acount for. And the hole in his abdomen hadn't helped the cause.

2 weeks.

Nothing was working. The best healers across Ninjago have done everything they could. But they all said the same thing. "Pray for the best... for the worst has yet to pass."

None of the ninja, Pixal, Borg, Garmadon, Misako, of Sensei Wu knew what could even possibly happen, or what those words were meant to mean.

3 months...

Doctors stopped checking in so much, only the ninja and their sensei along side a heartbroken mother and father visited regularly. Nya staying stuck to Kai's side for nights on end, not having the time to remember the promise she had made three months ago before they left the other world.

4 months.

But even visits can get tiring. The flowers at the coma-induced ninjas sides were fading of color, dying, the same way their souls seemed to be fading into an endless sleep.

5 months.

"A miracle! Call the family!!" Kai blinked, wincing when the lights above were too bright for anyone's liking. He groaned, his throat hurt, and he didn't know why there was so much screaming. He felt a hand in his, and he shivered at the cold hand. "Kai? Kai!" He blinked. The voice was so familiar, he let his eyes focus on the person holding his hand. He couldn't help but smile when he recognized his very close friend instantly. "...ha... Zane?" His voice broke, unused for a period of time he didn't know.
Zane nodded, eyes wide, smile wide. "You're finally back."

Kai frowned a bit, his head turning to his left to only see the shadowed outline of someone else on the other side of the curtain. "Back?"

6 months.

Kai understood what had happend now. He remembered the figure that had been outlined in the curtains.

Lloyd, the kid. He was still out in a coma, showing absolutely no sign of awaking. The doctors say they might have to pull the plug, they have feared this the moment they had came in. Kai understood now, he was barely even lucky to be here.

He could remember where he was when he was in a coma.

It was a flat green space, no clouds, no water, only continous green land. A single tree and so many spider lilies to the point Kai couldn't see what was in the middle disturbing the perfect circle around the tree and lilies. He could see the sleeping green dragon curled around the lilies and tree, leaving a small space in its curled form as an entrance point.

When he got closer, he saw it was Lloyd. It had to be, even when the kid had various streaks of white hair covering his face.

His hair had grown too.
Kai stood at the edge of the spider lilies circle, simply watching the way Lloyd's chest fell and rose. He can't remember how much time he spent there, watching, but he did notice the way Lloyd's hair would slowly grow inch by inch. And then the first time the silence of the empty space was broken. "Reborn."

And he awoke.

7 months. . .

The hope of the green ninja awaking was gone. The doctors announced they'll be pulling the plug that afternoon, inviting the familiar members go come and watch, and to say their final goodbyes.

The doctor at the plug gave them all a glance before he pulled the plug. The heart monitor went silent, and the green ninjas chest went still instantly.
Kai's chest screwed tight, his breathing stopped too. He watched. Waiting for the rise and fall he had suddenly remembered vaguely watching for what felt like seconds, but what had been months.

The rise came, and then the fall, and then rise, and then the fall.

Kai let out a loud breathy laugh, tears threatening to pour as he held on to his sleeve.

The green ninjas eyes opened, his green eyes the familiar bright green. His hair had grown out, streaks of white overtaking nearly half his hair color. And then the tears began to pour out of his eyes too.

They had survived another battle.

And reborn anew.

Who knows? Maybe now, they'll be able to visit the other world again... and maybe even get to know what that world is like.

(Farewell. I hope to see some of y'all on Ao3 either as guests or other writers. See you to the Wonders beyond...!)


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