Chapter 5

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Chapter 5





MK had left earlier of course. He left to go see a fire demon he was seeing for awhile now. But of was secret. Seeing your enemy behind the backs of well-..eveyone! Wasn't okay. MK landed on the rooftop softly and he was shocked to already see Red Son sitting down at the ledge, hair down. He walked over and cautiously sat down, not wanting to interrupt the trance the demon seemed to be in. Red stared off into the distance for a little more before his head moved to look at MK, "You were late peasant, why's that?"

Red asked and his sarcastic tone lingered in MK's head. MK let the question stir as he thought about either telling the truth or a simple lie, "Well..yesterday. These strange people came through a-..portal? I'm still confused but so are they," They both fell silent for a while before Red turned his head quickly and looked at MK.

"You let them in your home!?" Red asked knowing the answer but still asked. "Well I wasn't going to leave them on the street heck! They were scared when I pulled out my staff!" MK retorted back and he sighed. "Eveyone is scared of the golden staff! Apart from some demon's- but you don't know if there even good people noodle brain!" Red closed his legs and he put his hands in his lap watching as MK fell deep in thought. "There not evil..I know they aren't. Plus there ninja!! Ninja Red!" MK sounded exited now. A common tweak in MK.

Red Son felt more worried for the mortal. "Means there trained to kill and sneak up on you! How don't you know this noodle boy!?" MK gave a nervous smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Who said we kill people?" Both MK and Red Son looked behind them and saw all six ninja calmly standing as if they've been there the whole time, "We've actually defeated many people that wanted to take over our city." It was Lloyd who spoke. MK didn't know what to say..But Red Son got up. Standing beside MK, "Sacrificed ourselves." Zane said as he got worried and pained glances, Red Son and MK both got confused.

" long have you all" Red Son was the one to ask the question. Kai looked deep in thought, and so did the rest.

They genuinely didn't actually remember.

"I started just so I could save my sister from skeletons," Kai got a pat from Nya as she gave him a smile.

"I was a samurai at first." Nya put an arm around Kai and hugged him.

"I do not recall anything, I was just found." Zane shrugged as he genuinely didn't remember, he should check that out back home.

"My mom died and my dad wasn't paying attention to me anymore, so I started climbing mountains," Jay let out a snicker and Cole rolled his eyes.

MK felt bad for the Cole dude. He never thought he turned into a ninja because his mother died, it was sad. Yes.

"What about you two?" Red Son said with an annoyed tone. He had been speaking to the one in green and the one in blue.

"I would rather not talk about mine to be honest..." Jay said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Red Son didn't push it this time and looked over to the one in green.
"And you green one?" Lloyd wanted to correct him and say his name. But found no use to it, seeing as MK wasn't called his name and instead 'noodle brain'? "It's a long story. It's best I don't talk about it too,"

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