Chapter One

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"You know this class is a bunch of bullshit right? Why are you holding on to every word Mr Williams says as if it's the last words he'll ever say," Lizzie complains, bored, as her feet are rested on Josies chair. 

"Shh," she responds rather irritated as her eyes stay focused on the teacher.
"Really? You're going to tell me to be quiet. I'll remind you of that courtesy when Penelope stays over in our room again," Josie ignores her and looks at the clock, only 5 minutes left of the lesson.

"Honestly," Lizzie continues rather loudly, "the things you two do when you think I can't hear you is so gross,"

Lizzie can see her sisters face getting more agitated as she glances back at her for a slight second - an annoyed look struck across her face.

Lizzie continues out of pure boredom and enjoyment at her sisters reaction.

"I could've sworn last night I heard you-"
Josie's head turns quickly toward her sister.
"Lizzie will you please shut up. I can't get in trouble today. Me and Penelope have planned a date night at hers after classes are over and it's the only time we can do it. And seen as how much you care about her being in our room I'd advise you to-"

"Josie and Lizzie Saltzman. Why am I not suprised?... I've been hearing your voices all the way through my class. I'm afraid that will be an hours detention after school. Your father isn't going to be pleased," Mr Williams states just before he allows the class the pack their things.

Lizzie watches as Josies nose flares in anger and can't help but laugh.  After seeing her sister is genuinely upset she eases down abit and apologises.

"I will make it up to you," she pleads guiltily. Josie looks unconvinced and still angry so Lizzie continues.

"I will organize you a new date night in our room and I promise I will not disturb you the whole night. I will sleep in MGs room or something. We all know he'll let me," Josie looks slightly less angry and rolls her eyes before smiling and accepting Lizzies apology.

The two walk reluctantly (yet at a fast pace) into the detention room in hopes of avoiding their dad.

As they enter, the room is abnormally quiet. Usually there are lots of students here for something or other - usually the wolves have gotten into some sort of fight. But today the room was empty apart from a girl at the back with her head on the desk.

"Who's that?" Lizzie whispers to Josie as they take a seat next to each other.

"I think it's Hope. I didn't know she was back already," Josie responds.

"Yeah well she should be," Lizzie states aggressively,  "She shouldn't be the only one allowed to skive off school to see her family for a WHOLE MONTH. She's not the only one with family problems. Just cause her family is super powerful doesn't mean she should just be allowed to do anything she wants," She says rolling her eyes and looking back at her hoping she heard what she said.

Josie laughs slightly and says "yeah" while being slightly worried about her.

She knew Hope had left a while ago to see her family for a few days but it had been a month, there had to be more to it.

Hope wasn't usually this quiet and would've come up with something to respond to Lizzies comments by now.

The twins and Hope's relationship had always been quite rocky, it was an endless cycle of tormenting each other. But when it came down to it. They both cared for Hope. As she cared for them too. 

Lizzie had been talking about her latest obsession with brownies, and how Mg had noticed and made her some. The conversation kept spiraling between a possible relationship with her and Mg or whether white chocolate brownies would be nice.

If she was being honest, Josie didnt care about anything Lizzie was saying. She'd been staring over at Hope for the past 45 minutes as Hope moved positions from resting her head on the desk to staring absently at the ground and fiddling with her rings.

"I just think white chocolate brownies would be too much, right?" Lizzie asked finishing her conversation.

"Mhm" Jo responded still observing Hope as she worried about her more. Lizzie could tell something was upsetting her sister and immediately stopped her earlier conversation to question it.

"Whats up Jo?"
Jo looked back at Lizzie startled and realized she had completely zoned out thinking about Hope.

"Do you think she's okay?" Josie asked.
"Why do you care so much? Your not still crushing on her are you? Penelope won't be impressed" Lizzie jokes.

She sighed, ordinarily she would've made another sarcastic comment, but she knew her sister was overly selfless, and that she needed to know Hope was okay to feel any less worried.

"Look, I'm sure if there is something wrong she can handle it," Lizzie says telling the truth. She notices her sister found no comfort in what she said so continued

"But..if you are that worried about it, why don't you ask her after detention,"
Josie smiles slightly and agrees to Lizzies idea.

"White chocolate would be too much," Josie says. Lizzie smiles- she always appreciated it when she felt heard, and Josie always made her feel that way.

Okay so I got bored and thought of a new fanfic idea so I started writing it. There isn't really much to go off rn but I will update once a week at least.  At most once or twice a day. But yeah
Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Let me know if u want more. <3

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