Chapter Thirteen

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Hope was still panting as Josie took her upstairs to her room, followed by Lizzie who was also worried. Hope kept murmuring in her sleep and Josie held her tighter.

"What happened," Lizzie asked.

"A man was with her when she was passed out. He had his hand up her skirt," Josie said on the verge of crying ,"she had drank almost the entire bottle I think,"

Lizzie looked upset and grabbed a blanket to put over Hope. She also got a bucket and put it by her bed in case she needed to throw up.
"I'm so sorry Hope. I should've gone after you when I saw you with the bottle," Lizzie said guiltily as she moved Hope's hair from her face.

"I just don't get what would urge her to drink so much, she was doing okay when I left her," Josie said to Lizzie as she sat next to Hope on the bed.

Hope shuffled abit and quietly muttered "you kissed her,"

Josie was confused. Was Hope talking about her? If so who did she kiss? Josie hadn't kissed anyone recently so she couldn't have seen her. Though it was slightly taking advantage of Hope's emotions to ask her this Josie said

"Who Hope?"

"Penelope," she said before Hope sat up abrubtly and was sick in the bucket Lizzie had left.

Lizzie rubbed Hope's back before Josie got up angrily and left the room.

"It's okay Hopey, Josie will come back. You just try to sleep now okay? I will be nice to you for a total of 10 minutes until you do," Lizzie comforted.

"She doesn't like me," Hope cried still overly emotional and drowsy. "I have no one else," she sniffled. Lizzie rubbed her back, it was always obvious to her that Hope liked Josie but this confirmed it. Did Josie really kiss Penelope? Lizzie doubted it. Lizzie knew when her sister had feelings for someone and she'd been rooting for Josie and Hope for years, there was no way she would still choose Penelope.

"What the hell did you do!?" Josie shouted down the phone to Penelope after ringing her, "Hope said she saw us kiss and I know for certain I would've never kissed you again so what did you do?"

"Ah so it worked then," Penelope responded smug as ever. "Just a simple hallucinating spell. I didnt really know what it would show her, but it showed her her worst fear. How pathetic that me and you is her worst fear," she laughed, "She should be careful taking juice off people who hate her," Penelope explained.

Josie was so mad that if Penelope was in hitting distance she would be beaten to near death by now. The consequences of Penelope doing this resulted in what that man did to Hope, and her mental state being hurt even more.

Josie vowed to herself that she would find that man and make him pay, but not until Hope was okay. The same vow now went for Penelope also.

Josie hung up abruptly before taking a deep breath and returning to Hope and Lizzie. Hope's face was pale and she held her stomach tightly. Josie wanted to shield her from everything, but she couldn't. And it was heart breaking.

Josie siphoned from Hope and performed a spell to ease her stomach abit. Hope, being so dizzy and weak, leaned into Josie more.

Hope was scared, she didn't want to pass out as she didn't feel safe. But she could feel he body growing more tired again.

Josie saw Hope was hurt. She could tell that when Hope looked at her she had sadness in her eyes. Did this confirm what Josie had thought? Hope did like her? Josie wanted Hope to sleep on a clear mind so told her

"Hope I didn't kiss Penelope. She gave you something that made you hallucinate it. I wouldn't ever do that. Not when yo-," Josie stopped finishing the sentence she was going down - she wasn't going to declare her love to Hope when she was in this state- , "not when I hate her,"

Hope nestled her head into Josies chest and Josie took that as her way of saying thank you.

"I'm scared," Hope said. Hope was worried that if she allowed herself to sleep that man would come back. She shuddered as she replayed his touch in her mind.

Hope tried to speak again but Josie gently shushed her while wrapping her arms around her waist tightly.

"No one will hurt you. You're safe. I will hold you for as long as you want," Josie soothed kissing the top of Hope's head.

"Butterflies," Hope whispered before she drifted off to sleep. Josie smiled and held her even tighter. Entwining their hands together and squeezing Hope's gently.

"Am I okay to leave you two?" Lizzie asked, partly because she wanted to return to the party and partly because she wanted Hope and Josie to have some alone time.

Josie nodded and watched as Lizzie left the room.

Hope slept for a few hours and Josie stayed with her thinking of all the ways to hurt the man who hurt her.

"Is there any asprin,"Hope asked. Josie nodded and gently handed her a bottle of water on her bedside table and the pills. She helped Hope sit up, afraid she may be dizzy.

"Do you feel okay," Josie asked.

"Yeah, just a headache," Hope said. Tye room was silent and Josie kept comforting Hope by stroking her hand with her thumb. Hope was embarrassed now that she'd found out Josie and Penelope didn't actually kiss. And she was embarassed about being taken advantage of by the man.

"I'm sorry," Hope said, "you're always taking care of me and so nice to me. But I believed you would kiss Penelope and it meant that I let the guy do what he did and I let myself spiral. And it's all my fault and I'm sorry," Hope said. She didn't want Josie to leave as such, but she felt like she was draining to Josie. As if she'd kept opening up to her about her problems that she wondered if Josie secretly hated her.

"Hope no. None of this is your fault," Josie said harshly, "you had a completely human reaction to seeing someone you liked kissing someone else. What that man did to you was not your fault. He was a sick twisted ugly human being and you didn't deserve to be treated the way you did. So don't you ever blame yourself again," Josie urged.

Hope felt her face grow red at the fact Josie knew Hope liked her. Josies words sounded like Hope wanted to believe them, but no matter how Hope looked at it she still felt that it all happened because of her.

Hope smiled slightly at Josies response and touched her forhead against hers. Both girls knew the other had feelings for them but neither thought they could make the first move.

It was very frustrating.

Okay the ending to this chapter was lowkey rushed and I haven't spelling checked this or anything but I wanted to publish this chapter and I'm really tired. So if it makes no sense bare with me I'll sort it out tomorrow xxxx

Hope you all have a great day. I love u <3333

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