Chapter Eleven

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Hope had slowly fallen asleep. She'd found that whenever Josie was around she found it so easy to. Maybe it was because she felt safe. Or maybe it was because Josie was making her far too relaxed.

Their pinky fingers never detatched and Josie simply watched as Hope's eyes grew heavier, fighting the urge to go to sleep. Hope realised that since Josie had been with her, she'd almost completely forgot about her parents and this past month, and she couldn't be more grateful.

When Hope's eyes had closed Josie rubbed Hope's hand with her thumb and kissed her forehead again as she smiled. Hope looked even more attractive to Josie somehow, and she just wanted to protect her from everything.

"I know you're asleep, so it's not going to hurt if I tell you that you're really pretty. And you look like a little baby and it's adorable....You're probably my favourite person Hope Andrea, and I know it's been hard for you these past weeks... but it will get better, because you're so strong and so amazing and I will help you with anything," Josie whispered as she comforted her.

Hope was asleep, but it was almost subconscious that she moved closer to Josie, she delicately put her arm over Josies waist and her body so close their stomachs were touching.

Josie of course found it so cute what Hope did, so moved her body so Hope's head rested under her chin and Josie could wrap her arms around her too.

The girls slept soundly through the night and didn't move their position once. If anything the girls got closer, entangling their legs as Hope's head nestled further into Josies chest.

When Hope woke up, Josie was still sleeping. Hope had realised how they had slept and was nervous as to Josies reaction so carefully got out of the bed- as much as she didn't want to. She stared at Josie and smiled slightly before checking the time. Wanting to be quiet as Josie was asleep failed miserably when Lizzie burst through the door.

"Hello my dearest gay people who pretend they aren't. There is a party later tonight and it requires your attendance- yes that includes you Hopey Wopey. There will be plenty of alcohol and games and it will be fun so yeah you have to come and stop having sex for like two hours out of your day- I know that's hard for you Mikaelson," Lizzie stated as Josie awoke drowsily and Hope's face struck a bright red colour. 

Lizzie left the room skipping as she winked at Josie, as if to tell her that this would be her chance to get with Hope. Josie rolled her eyes and giggled before returning her attention to Hope.

"Are you okay to go to this party tonight. You don't have to, she was just saying that," Josie said sympathetically. She figured Hope probably wasn't up for being around a bunch of teenagers smoking, drinking and playing spin the bottle but she wanted to ask anyway.

"Thank God," Hope said kind of relieved she didn't have to go. Instead she decided she'd spend the day doing some art work and probably going back to sleep.

Josie smiled and walked up to Hope to kiss her cheek.
"You're pretty," she said in a voice that made the butterflies return in Hope's body.
"I have to go now, it's almost 12 and I promised Mg I'd help him study. You can come too if you want or if you want me to stay that's totally fine too," Josie said. Hope of course wanted Josie to stay, but she couldn't ask that of her otherwise the pair would never be separated.
"No it's fine, have fun. I'm gonna stay here and do some art work," Hope responded.

Josie took her hand and lightly squeezed it before leaving the room. When Josie left, Hope felt a sense of emptiness return to her. It wasnt unbearable, but it just felt lonely.

She went to the kitchen to get a carton of orange juice and saw Penelope with two suitcases sitting on the kitchen island and rolling her eyes.

"Of course you're here right now," Penelope said, "I'm just about to be rid of this school and all I see is your smug little face,"

"Penelope I'm sorry. I don't understand. Me and Josie aren't eve-," Hope said although she knew she liked Josie completely and that Josie had been showing she liked her back.

"Save it," Penelope said before smacking Hopes orange juice in her chest, and leaving the room.

Hope wondered if Josie knew Penelope was leaving. Should she tell her? Hope figured she'd hold off on telling her for abit. She drank the juice while painting a picture of a sky. The sky, in her mind, perfectly described what she felt for Josie. It was colorful and full of light, there were hundreds of stars and purple streaks alluding to a sunset.

The time was almost 5 o'clock, and Hope wanted to see Josie before she left her to go to the party.

Walking into Josies dorm, she tried to knock but got no response. As she entered she saw something she'd wished she'd never see again.

Josie and Penelope.

Penelope and Josie were amidst a full making out session and Hope felt this overwhelming anger and embarrassment hit her. Hope had thought Josie liked her. Josie had constantly told her she didn't like Penelope and... hadn't Josie been flirting with her?

Hope was upset

Maybe Josie didnt like her after all.

Updating twice bc it's fun. Also might be another update bc I don't wanna leave it on a cliffhanger.

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