Chapter Twelve

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Hope was trying to keep her breathing rate down and just wanted to forget what she saw. She was overwhelmed with confusion and couldn't think about anything anymore. Walking outside for some fresh air she walked toward where the party was about to start and grabbed a bottle of vodka.

"Woah there Mikaelson, where are you going with that," Lizzie said worried as she walked after her.

"Get the fuck away from me Lizzie. You don't care about me, no one does. So just leave. It's what you're good at," Hope said angrily. She instantly regretted how she spoke to Lizzie and if she was in the right head space would've spent the rest of the day apologising to her, but she couldn't.

Hope only ran further into the woods as Lizzie rolled her eyes and threw her middle finger up at her before walking away.

Hope had opened the bottle, out of breath still from running. She took large gulps of the drink, breathing heavily in between.

Part of her knew that she shouldn't be doing this. It was unsafe out in the woods alone when it was getting dark. She was far away from the rest of the others at the party. But as long as she would temporarily forget what she saw, Hope wasn't bothered.

Walking further away she found herself getting extremely dizzy, occasionally stumbling into a tree as she walked. She wanted to cry, but she found that her anger was overtaking any other emotion she wanted to feel. It hurt.

Josie met up with Lizzie at the Old Mill, taking a red cup from her hands. Josie could tell her sister was upset and so awaited some sort of rant from her.

"You know you should tell your girlfriend that that vodka was expensive and that words hurt," she said with a cruel tone, but Josie could tell she was holding back how upset she was.

"Girlfriend?," Josie was confused, "do you mean Hope?"

"Yes of course I mean Hope. You're other evil spawn left the school an hour ago."Lizzie said rudely

"Wait Penelope left?" Josie asked. She wasn't nececerilly upset at her leaving, but she would've liked a goodbye.

"Yeah obviously why....she didn't give you goodbye sex or something," Lizzie teased.

"Ew no. I hate her. No way I'd ever do anything like that again. I'm glad she's gone, " Josie said truthfully, "anyway what do you mean about Hope?"

"She stole a whole 60 dollar bottle of vodka and ran off like a child into the woods," Lizzie said as she tutted and rolled her eyes.

"But Hope said she wasn't coming to the party," Josie said worriedly. To be honest she didnt care about Lizzie being upset with her, she only cared about Hope.

"How am I supposed to know what goes on in her tribrid head," Lizzie said as she walked off, annoyed that Josie sounded worried.

Josie had to go and find her. Something must have happened to make Hope be so wreckless. Anything could happen to her and Josie was scared.


It was getting dark out and Hope had almost drank the entire bottle. The ground felt like it was spinning beneath her and she could easily pass out any minute. She fell backwards into the arms of a strange man.

Minor trigger warning for sexual assault I dont know if it needs one but I wanted to be safe if you do. I will mark where you can continue.

"Woah there.... You look like you've had alot to drink," he said bluntly.

"Yeah. I-I have to get back," Hope said weakly, falling into the man's arms more. She felt unsafe around him, like she could tell he wasn't a nice person.

"But you're so pretty. And you're out here all by yourself. Why dont we have abit of fun," he asked, although it was hardly a question. Hope remembered how Josie had called her pretty, and started crying as she fell out of the man arms and on the floor.

The man kneeled next to Hope and put his hand on her inner thigh. She pushed his hand off, still crying over Josie.

"D-dont, I-I. Stop please," Hope begged as the man started getting more impatient. Hope was scared, she was so drunk she couldn't defend herself and she just wanted it to be over. She could feel herself about to black out and knew if she did she could get seriously hurt.

The man ran both his hands under her skirt telling her to be quiet, until he heard a voice yelling at him from the woods.

Trigger is over now so if you wanted to skip u can read again from now. 

"HOPE!" Josie yelled running as fast as she could. Josie didnt have any magic in her to use against him so was scared she couldn't protect Hope.

Luckily the man ran off like a coward, and Josie would've ran after him but she saw Hope crying and shaking as she lay on the ground. Hope was scared, of what just happened, of passing out, of seeing Josie again. All her emotions overwhelmed her and she clutched tightly onto Josie, who was now holding her as the two sat on the ground.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Were you spiked? Hope?" Josie asked scared as Hope's started breathing more heavily. Josie realsied she wasn't going to get her questions answered right now, so picked Hope up in her arms and carried her back to the school.

"You're okay now Hope. It's okay, you're okay. He won't touch you again," Josie kept repeating as she walked back. Hope was barely keeping her eyes open, the alcohol making her whole body weak and numb.

"Oh my God what happened?" Lizzie asked worried. She felt slightly guilty, as she had wished Hope would get hurt when she'd said those cruel things to her.

"I-I want more," Hope said drowsily as she crawled out of Josies arms and walked toward where the alcohol was. Hope had started to remember Josie and Penelope kissing and started to feel all the emotions she felt again and she just wanted the pain to stop.

"No Hope. You've already drunk enough that you could have alcohol poisoning, come back," said Josie running after her. To be fair it wasn't much of a run, Hope's walking was very slow as she stumbled every step she took. Josie caught up to her and turned her around to face her. Hope's face was weak and her eyes were heavy. Josie wanted to protect her from everything. Hope still tried to fight Josie to walk over to where the alcohol was.

"P-Please Josie. I cant- I can't feel it anymore. It hurts," Hope cried. Josie wanted to hug her tightly and never let go and didn't understand what Hope meant.

"I'm scared Josie," she continued.

Hope eventually stopped fighting when she passed out, and dropped into Josies arms once again.

:) another update enjoy xx

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