Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hope was in pure heaven. Laying down onto Josies stomach whilst Josie combed through her hair with her fingers. Hope had been fiddling with the edge of the blanket Josie had put over her just smiling at how much she loved her life in this moment.

"I love you," Hope said as she turned around to kiss Josie again.

Josie laughed as she held Hope's head, "you said that already,"

"Well I wanted to say it again because it's true and you deserve to hear it all the time," Hope said slightly looking down.

She was still scared to show her vulnerable side to Josie but considering the previous events, she figured any last sliver of her dignity went when Hope collapsed in her arms at Josie's command.

Josie smiled as she kissed Hope's cheek.
"Do you want to put your clothes back on my love, it's cold in here and I don't want you to get sick," Josie suggested as she played with a few strands of Hope's hair.

"You worry about me too much, but yes I will put some on. I can't have myself be naked infront of you for too long otherwise there could be a round two," Hope smirked as Josie rolled her eyes and smiled.

Hope got changed and the pair walked back to the school. They were greeted by Lizzie who looked at Hope suspiciously when saying
"You seem almost unbelievably happier than when I last saw you?" She questioned.

"Yeah she just needed a bit of a serotonin boost if you will," Josie responded as the two giggled running away back to Hope's dorm.

"OH THAT IS TOO MUCH INFORMATION " Lizzie could be heard yelling a few moments later when she finally clocked what had happened.

Running into Hope's room laughing Josie kissed Hope as they sat down on her bed as Hope gazed in awe at the girl infront of her.
"So how do you actually feel. Do you feel better or do you feel the same but just a little more.....satisfied?" Josie questioned as Hope blushed.

"I feel happy I guess. You make me feel happy. But..I don't know, I guess I'm just scared that it's only temporary and I don't want to get your hope's up," she responded as Josie stroked her cheek with her thumb.

"Well you have been through a lot. And it would suprise me if you are completely okay with everything after just a few days. So why don't we just take it slowly. Right now you are happy, let's just enjoy it okay?" Josie offered as she got up from the bed to look at a train ticket Hope had on her desk.

Hope smiled and nodded at what Josie said still holding her hand while Josie picked up the slip of paper to show her.

"You were going to go to New Orleans?" Josie asked.

"I was but then everything kinda happened and the ticket is expired now so I guess not anymore," she responded almost sadly which Josie could tell.

"Do you still want to go?" Josie asked as she sat back down next to Hope.

"I don't know.. I guess sort of. I miss my family but I also don't want to be away from you because not in like a 'I'm dependant on you for my happiness' way which is really unhealthy but I just kind of need you alot right now. And I know that's not right because like you are my girlfriend and I love you so much but just you make me happy and without you making me happy I'd be sad and oh my God that's so much pressure on you and I'm sorry-" Hope started in a ramble as Josie smiled.

"Why dont we go together?" Josie suggested as Hope caught her breath.

Josie knew that Hope was dependant on her- as much as she didn't want to admit it. But Josie didnt mind, she was dependant on Hope too. And as much as she refused to accept it, Josie liked being needed by someone.

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