Chapter Three

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Hope had been stirring throughout the night so Josie didn't get much sleep. She didn't mind though, Hope getting rest was much more important.

Josie barely knew the relationship Hope had with her dad but she did know about her mom.

She remembered how Hope's mom used to come to the school so full of light and joy that it was one of the rare times she saw Hope smile. Her mom was so beautiful, like Hope, and was a kind, compassionate person.

Josie didnt know anything of what happened: how her parents died, if other people knew, why she was in school after something so traumatic, but it didn't stop Josie from trying to help her as best she can.

When Hope woke up she was tired, not from lack of sleep but from her life. She just wanted to sleep forever, but she couldn't.

Looking around she realized Josie had stayed in her room all night and was fast asleep.

Hope smiled, she'd never felt this cared for before. It was a nice feeling. Hope figured Josie would be tired and felt quite guilty that she was the reason for that.

She didn't want to be a burden.

Hope left Josie asleep in her room to get some food from the school canteen. As it was Saturday, breakfast was served until a later time, but seen as they'd slept in Hope only had a few more minutes to get food.

Hope grabbed what was left which included some toast, fruit, cereal and a carton of orange juice for both her and Josie.

Hope entered back into her room quietly, but increased the volume when she saw Josie had opened Hope's curtains and made her bed.

"You didn't have to do that you know," Hope said to Josie with a slight chuckle as she places the final pillows on Hope's bed.

"They didn't have any apple juice left sorry," Hope added as she handed Josie the carton.

Josie smiled at the fact Hope remembered such a small detail about her and drank some of the juice.
"Thanks," Josie replied. Josie didnt want to come across as patronizing but she still asked "are you going to be alright today?"

"Yeah," Hope responded, "we don't have any classes and I can just relax and watch T.V or something."

Hope felt extremely guilty for Josie staying over in her room so wanted her to feel she could leave her, even if she did want her to stay.

"Okay. Well I am here for you. With anything you may need, whenever you want. Thanks for the breakfast and please..if you need to talk, talk. " Josie said, her hand was supposed to rest on Hope's shoulder but instead she found it rested just below her chin.

Hope smiled weakly before Josie left her room.

"Josie," Hope said just before Josie shut the door. Josie paused before shutting it, looking across at her sympathetically.

"Thank you," Hope said sincerely. The pair looked at eachother before Josie nodded slowly and left the room.

On her way back to her dorm she felt something that she couldn't quite explain. As if some past emotion had reappeared, she wasn't sure what, but it was there, she smiled slightly before entering her room.

"So sleeping over at Penelopes was a pleasant experience I gather from that look struck across your face," Lizzie mocked as Josie entered.

Josie felt quite embarassed at the fact she was smiling over someone who wasn't even her girlfriend and almost felt ashamed.

"Actually, I stayed over with Hope," Josie replied. Lizzie's look across her face clearly demanded more information from Jo so she explained.

"I was worried about her so I went to check on her, she was upset and crying so I comforted her to be a good friend. Then she fell asleep on me and I couldn't exactly wake her so I stayed with her," Josie answered.

Josie herself knew she had glazed over the event, she knew she wanted to stay with Hope and she knew that what she did could be described as more than 'friends'. But it was fine, it didn't matter. Josie was with Penelope. That is the person she chose, the person she loves. And that is the person she will stay with.

"So did you find out what happened?" Lizzie asked slightly more enthusiastic than she should be.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to discuss it with her or anyone as I'm not sure if she can deal with people knowing yet" Josie explained - Lizzie nodded and widened her eyes for her sister to continue,

"her parents died."

Lizzies emotions changed to sadness at the thought of her friend going through that, and she immediately felt bad for her previous comments.

"Oh," she responded rather unemotively, "how? ..When did it happen?" She added.

"I don't know, all I know is that they are dead and she's really upset," Josie answered. Lizzie accepted the answer and lay on her bed looking up at the ceiling.

A couple of minutes passed in silence before Lizzie said
"I hope she'll be okay,"
Josie sighed before replying

"Me too,"

Hope you enjoy. Can't promise there will be another chapter tomorrow so I am updating twice today :)
Hope you have a good day <33

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