Chapter Twenty-Two

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Josie looked at Hope, her heart melting. Being loved by someone who's said to not love felt overwhelming. But perfect. Knowing that her and only her would receive Hope's affection felt like a big responsibility.

Josie had never loved anyone before. Not like this. And yet somehow the emotion didn't feel unfamiliar, it felt welcome. But only for her.

Only for Hope.

The two had been staring at eachother, like giddy school girls with their crushes. Neither could get the smile taken away from their faces.

Josie gently held Hope's head with her hands, careful not to hurt her and placed her lips gently onto Hope's again.

"Do you feel up for going on a proper date today. But you have to let me plan it," Josie asked as she held Hope's waist and kissed her forehead.

Hope smiled excitedly and nodded.

"Okay well get changed and I'll meet you in half an hour," Josie said before she kissed Hope's cheek and left.

Hope couldn't quite comprehend how happy she was. She was almost annoyed that she couldn't. But she'd never felt this cared for, this loved.


Hope had never been so good with love. Feeling she destroyed everything she touched, she was wary to reveal how she felt to the brunette. But she had to.

It was different with Josie. She knew exactly what to say to Hope, she made her feel safe. Josie was her home.

Hope was nervous of what wear, she didn't know why but she was. She'd messed up her room flinging items of clothing across the floor and eventually resulted in finding Lizzie.

"Lizzie I need your help," Hope asked stressed as she only had ten more minutes until she needed to meet Josie.

Lizzie was bunking class in the toilets as usual and Hope could've sworn she could smell weed but just ignored it. Neither Hope or Josie had class today because of 'traumatic circumstances' so it was a perfect day for a date.

"You summoned me!" Lizzie said excitedly as she opened the door from her cubical.
"Whats the problem?" She asked as she failed an attempt at hiding her drugs in her pocket.

Hope coughed from the smell and then dragged her to her dorm.
"Help me pick an outfit," Hope urged.

Lizzie looked around the room at the clothes all over the floor and giggled.
"Now this is what I call a gay crisis!" Lizzie exclaimed.

Lizzie went looking through Hope's wardrobe and under piles of clothes on the floor.
"We said we love eachother you know," Hope said. She figured Lizzie should know and she wanted her honest reaction.

"Oh so it's THAT kind of outfit!" Lizzie smirked.

"What kind of outfit?" Hope asked confused.

"The outfit that my sister might fuck you in. Because let's face it Hope're the bottom," Lizzie spoke as she tilted her head.

"What?! No we aren't having sex today. We've not even been on one date yet. We can't have sex today," Hope said now panicking.

"Doesn't matter if you haven't been on a date. You've love eachother. But if you don't want to then you don't have to," Lizzie said trying to reassure her.

"But what if she's expecting me to be ready? I don't want to let her down," Hope said now overthinking everything.

"Look Hopey. Josie won't expect anything of you. You've both been in love with each other since you were like 7 and I don't think either of you are beyond waiting if that's what you want. Now wear this," Lizzie calmed her as she handed her an outfit

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