Chapter Six

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Hope heard Josies words like a poetry that calmed her.

The fire had gone now and Hope felt as if she could sleep forever. She felt Josies touch on her and all her fears went away.

Gradually she felt her body collapse into Josies arms so exhausted she could barely speak.

"I'm so sorry Josie. I di-. I didn't mea-," hope tried to explain. Her words barely reached a volume Josie could hear, but Josie didnt want Hope to even worry about raising her voice more for her.

Josie moved Hope's head to rest on her lap and played with her hair gently.

"It's okay Hope, Everyone's okay. No one was hurt. You need to sleep now Hope you're tired, I can hear it in your voice," Josie responds quietly.

"You're hurt," Hope said trying to stay awake.

Hope didn't want to go to sleep until she knew Josie was okay.

"Hope I'm fine it's just a small burn okay. Please get some rest," Josie said slightly chuckling as she saw Hope's eyes closing slowly.

"Not until you're okay," Hope said using all the power she had to stay awake for her.

Hope brought her hand to her mouth to draw blood and then held her hand back to Josie. Josie looked at Hope's hand and back to Hope who's hand was already falling slightly from tiredness.

"If I do this will you go to sleep?" Josie asked.
Hope nodded in reply.

"You're impossible," she giggled as she did what Hope asked.

Josie's burns had now healed and she looked down at the girl and smiled.


This was all she wanted.

Not the almost burning down a school and killing everyone bit, but


Hope's head dropped to the side with a sigh so Josie carried her to her own room.

Hope's room had been completely burned and the things that hadn't turned to ash, had been destroyed beyond repair.

Josie didnt want to leave Hope, but she knew if Hope woke up to the reminder of what she'd done she would crumble.

As Josie walked back from her dorm she watched as the students were guided back into the building.

"Jo you're okay. You fucking scared me you idiot. I thought we were gonna have to learn how to perform necromancy when I saw you go in there," Lizzie said as she gave Josie a hug.

Josie laughed and asked for her help with sorting out Hope's room.
"Urg fine. I have nothing better to do," she replied.

Both girls spent a few hours picking what was left to salvage from Hope's room.

"What if we find her 'I love Josie Saltzman' scrap book in here," Lizzie teases as she sorts through burnt drawers.

"Lizzie I'm pretty sure when Hope told you she had a crush on me she meant like a minor liking, not some serial killer obsession," Josie answered while rolling her eyes.

"Say what you will dear twin, but Miss Mikaelson has never been as nice to anyone as she is to you," Lizzie says almost as if she was envious.

Josie can't help but smile and it is immediately noticed by Lizzie as she looks over and says,

"You're blushing!"

"No I'm not Lizzie," Josie responds quite clearly lying.

"Come on Josette drop the act, you two have gotten closer now that you can be 'there for her' or whatever you're calling it," Lizzie says putting using her hands for air quotes, "does this mean your relationship with the she-devil is over?" She asks her expression becoming more excited.

"Penelope is not that bad Lizzie, stop being cruel. And besides I'm sure Hope doesn't want a relationship right now, she did quite literally almost burn down a school," Josie responds.

"Okay," Lizzie says in a tone so overly smug Josie glares at her.

"So what about you and Mg then. Any chance you're going to stop leading him on and date him?" Josie asks changing the conversation.

"I'm not leading him on. I can't help it if I'm just that irresistable," Lizzie says smiling, "no point on putting a dog on a lead if it's following you anyway," Lizzie chuckles.

"I think Mg is an option, but I'm not quite sure if he's the right one yet. It's not like he's been 'brought to the world by the God's' or however it is you put it," Lizzie teases as she prepares for Josies reaction.

"STOP READING MY JOURNAL LIZZIE," Josie says annoyed as she threw a small box at Lizzies head. Lizzie sadly caught it.

"What even is this?" Lizzie said confused as she shook the box with her hand.

"I don't know, it was in one of Hope's drawers," Josie responded as she watched Lizzie pry it open.

Eventually, using magic, the box revealed a silver necklace in the shape of an oval, it had beautiful patterns and mystical writing on it that Josie admired.

"It's pretty," Josie said. Sadly that necklace was the only thing that could be salvaged from Hope's room so the twins used their magic to clear everything else from her room and make sure there was no signs of a fire here.

All hope needed now was some new furniture and she could sleep in her room again.

When both Lizzie and Josie had finished tidying Hope's room Lizzie had left to go and get some food from the cafeteria while Josie returned back to where Hope was sleeping.

Josie wasn't leaving her alone again.

Josie didnt want to wake Hope, so sat on the floor by her bed. Josie admired the beauty of Hope before she saw her move slightly, and open her eyes.

Her eyes remained tired, but not any less beautiful to Josie.

"Hey," Josie said smiling as Hope sat up ,"how do you feel?"

"Where am I?," Hope asked

"Oh sorry I brought you to my room because your room is well, ya know," Josie said sympathetically.

"Oh yeah," Hope responded as she felt the weight of guilt almost crush her again.

"But it's okay. Me and Lizzie, we fixed it. No sign of a fire anywhere throughout the school now. We couldn't save anything from your room, I'm really sorry Hope. We did find one of your necklaces though," Josie said as she handed Hope the silver pendant.

Josie watched as Hope chuckled slightly and look back toward her.

"I bought that for you," Hope said, "it is for your birthday in a few weeks but I guess you can have it now,"

Josie was suprised Hope had time to buy her a birthday present considering everything she'd been through these past few months and smiled widely at her.

Hope was always grateful for Josie's smile and her happiness radiated into herself.

"Turn around," Hope said as she and Josie stood up.

Hope gently placed the necklace around Josie's neck.

Josie tried not to blush as she felt the light touches of Hope's hands across her skin.

Her heart rate increased slightly and her breathing stopped all together until Hope's touch went. She exhaled sharply while turning around and Hope noticed.

There was a moment between the two. The brunette gazed toward the shorter girl, filled with so much desire for something she couldn't have.

"I have to go I'll be right back," Josie said to Hope. Josie left blushing as Hope smiled, watching her walk away.

Hope's smile stopped when she met the gaze of Penelope Park staring right back at her.

Another update :))). This one also hasn't been spelling checked but yeah urm. I hope u enjoy x

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