Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning Josie woke rather early, leaving Hope to rest in bed. She gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving to get some breakfast.

When exiting the room, she was welcomed by a suprise visit from her mom. Caroline had constantly been traveling and the twins had barely seen her.

"Mom!" Josie exclaimed as she ran into her arms.

Caroline held her tightly and Josie couldn't be happier.

"Hi honey," She said, "I was just coming to wake you, is Lizzie in there?" She asks about to walk into Josies room. Lizzie had gotten back from the party late and was sprawled across the other bed in their room hungover, she was in there...but so was Hope.

Josie moved slightly as Caroline tried to enter the room, she hadn't even told her mom she liked Hope and now they were dating, she didn't know how she'd take it.

"Why dont you want me going in there sweetie? What are you hiding?" She says with a slight chuckle as she notices Josie's body language.

"It's nothing," Josie responds as Caroline gives her an unconvinced look. Josie realises that she will have to tell the truth and prepares herself for a reaction.

"I just urm. There might sort of be a girl in my bed that I may or may not be dating," She says. Caroline's eyebrows rise as she smiles.

"Ah I see," she states.

"We didn't like...ya know. She stayed over because we went to a party together and she was tired," Josie said realizing how it looked. She didn't want to tell her mom that Hope was drunk and almost got raped and needed comfort, so this was an easier explanation.

Caroline nods and tries to peak her head around the door into their room. Hope's body is under the duvet and facing away from the door.

"So who's the girl? Please don't tell me you got together with Penelope again" Caroline asks intrigued.

"....Hope," Josie replies worried for her mom's reaction at her dating a Mikaleson.

"Mikaelson?" Caroline asks almost smirking.

"Yeah, Klaus' daughter. Why?" Josie answers confused at her mother's smile.

"No reason. You're just alot more like me than you realise," Caroline chuckles as she puts an arm around Josie and they shut the door behind them.

"Well I was going to ask you and Lizzie if you wanted to come for a drive a couple of hours from here to have a lunch/ picnic type thing, you can invite Hope if you would like. Make it a fun road trip?" Caroline asks excited hoping Josie and Hope will agree.

Josie nods and says, "yeah that sounds fun,"

Josie didnt really know if Hope would be up for a car ride and picnic with her mom after they'd only just started dating, but she did genuinely think it would be enjoyable.

Josie walked back to her room with two bottles of water and some pancakes for Hope and Lizzie.

"Hope?" Josie asked gently as she was still fast asleep. Eventually her eyes opened and she smiled when she saw Josie infront of her.

"Good morning beautiful....Here. Eat this. There's water too," Josie smiled handing Hope a plate as she sat up.

Josie then grabbed one of her pillows to throw at Lizzies head.

"Owww," Lizzie said waking up, "so you wake her nicely but I get a concussion?" Lizzie asked- she'd been half asleep before hand so could hear when Josie woke Hope.

Josie handed her a plate and her anger left her face when she saw the pancakes.
"I love youuu," she said before almost devouring the plate in seconds.

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