Chapter Eighteen

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When Hope awoke, the world was darker. She'd assumed it was now night and felt her Hope of an escape depleting with every hour. She knew it was stupid to think that someone would've rescued her by now, but she still did.

Her finger still ached but was healing. As Hope hadn't activated her vampire side, her healing was quite slow. Pair the slow healing with the litres of wolfsbane and exhaustion within her, her healing was pretty much non existent.

The man watched as Hope awoke. She would've felt anger toward him, but she was too tired. He placed a needle in her arm and checked to see if Hope's blood was being taken. It was.

"This is where I leave you Hope. I'm assuming you will survive 8 hours of me taking your blood while I rest," he says studying her every action.

The light in the room switches off and Hope stares as he walks away. Hope knew crying wouldn't help but she couldn't stop. She watched as the red liquid was escaping her and was scared that if the man didn't come back in time she'd die.

Hope thought about Josie. She didn't want Josie to worry if she died and she didn't want her to worry about her being missing.

Hope knew Josie was overly selfless, she didn't want her to hurt.

A knock on the hotel door awoke startled Josie as she ran toward it. She knew it would be Freya and though she hadn't met her before when she arrived Josie threw her arms around her.

"Hello," she said as she rubbed the young girls back for comfort, "are you Josie?"

"Sorry," Josie sniffed as she released her eyes still red from crying, "yes I'm Josie,"

Freya walked into the room and placed her things on the table in the room.
"You know I'll pretend that my niece not telling me she had a girlfriend doesn't annoy me," she smiled as she placed the map on the desk.

Josie smiled slightly at the word girlfriend.
"We only started dating a few days ago," Josie tried to reassure her.

Freya could see how much the brunette cared for her niece after just those 'few days'. She figured that they'd both liked each other for some time previously.

"How does this work?" Josie asked. She considered waking up her sister and mom but she was too anxious to see where Hope was.

"Well the only thing I could find of hers at the compound was her childhood teddy bear, fluffy," she said as she put the small bear on the table.

Josie laughed and said "fluffy?"

"Yes she wasn't very creative with her names when she was young," Freya chuckled.

Josie found Hope adorable and smiled.

Freya cut her hand and put her blood on the map. Using her magic to draw power from the bear and tell the location. The path stopped just a few miles away and Josie looked up at Freya.

Freya looked confused. She'd expected to know some sort of organization where she was that wanted her, or she'd thought she'd be able to recognize the place she was.
"It's some sort of garage," Freya said before Josie ran to tell the others.

Hope had fallen asleep in the night. Whether it be from her genuine exhaustion or lack of blood. She was grateful for the rest any way.

"Subject number 45901 is ready for day two of trials," Jason said his head hovering over Hope's eyes to check for a response, "we managed to receive 60 litres of blood from her which is almost 10 times more than any previous numbers we've had,"

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