Chapter Eight

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Hope was worried. She didn't want Josie to judge her for the things she did when she returned home, she didnt want Josie to hate her like she hated herself.

Hope found it hard to explain what had happened and she was so scared she couldn't get her words out.

"Just take your time, it's okay Hope," Josie soothed as she felt Hope's pulse beat extremely fast in her hand.

"Is it okay if I show you what happened? I just- I can't explain it without.. ya know," Hope asked. Josie understood that Hope didn't have the mental capacity to explain all the things that lead to her parents death, which was understandable.

She held Hope's face with one of her hands -brushing her cheek with her thumb- and said.

"Of course it is,"

Hope mentally prepared herself for the spell she was about to perform.

Due to the vampire blood within her and her witch capabilities, she was able to input memories into Josies mind and allow her to see them.

Hope held both of Josies hands before she started the spell.

The memories started out all muddled but gradually, Josie could see the clear image of what Hope went through.

The images weren't exactly fully accurate: instead of seeing what Hope saw, she merely saw the memories from a third perspective- as if she was watching a movie.

Josie watched as Hope helped her mom be kidnapped and was scared for Hope.

Josie understood that all Hope wanted was for her family to be back, but she knew that Hope would blame herself, and she didn't want her to go through that.

She watched as she was betrayed by her boyfriend, she watched as Hope discovered her mother was dead, she watched as Hope begged for her existence to be over.

Josie walked over to the Hope in the memory, she wanted so desperately to shield her from the pain she was in, to tell her how strong and beautiful she is, and that she didn't deserve anything she went through.

But she couldn't. She just watched as Hope bawled her eyes out, pushing everyone away.

Josie saw the hollow infect Hope's mind, whispering voices so loud it made Josie try to block them out.

She watched as Hope's father returned, and as Hope begged for her mom to be with her. Josie saw Hope kill hundreds of vampires and watched as she became overwhelmed with guilt of accidentally killing a human.

She watched as Hope activated her werewolf curse and she watched as the last remaining light left her eyes as her father said goodbye.

Josie saw everything.

When brought back from Hope's memories, Hope was crying softly- her head looking down scared of Josies reaction.

She thought Josie would hate her and she couldn't blame her if she did.

"Hope.. look at me," Josie urged as she held her face with both of her hands to tilt her chin up, but Hope's eyes still remained looking away from her.

Josie could feel Hope slightly shaking from her emotions and gave up with asking for permission, she moved closer to the girl and wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly.

"Hope ...what you went through, is something no one should ever have to go through. You are so strong and none of this is your fault," Josie soothed while rubbing Hope's back.

Josie moved her body back abit and placed her forehead against Hope's. Hope felt her gaze finally meet Josies and Hope finally felt safe again.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Hope placed her lips onto Josies. As much as Josie wanted Hope, she knew that this wasn't how their first kiss should go.

Hope was distraught and unstable and Josie didnt want to take advantage of her. Josie gently moved Hope away from her and wiped away her tears with her thumbs.

"As much as I want to continue with that thought my love. I can't accept a kiss from you when you're this emotional" Josie said sympathetically.

Hope smiled faintly and apologised, feeling slightly guilty.

Josie moved to a position so she could hold Hope in her arms. Hope was so small compared to Josie and it made Josie smile everytime.

The red-head lay on the brunettes chest, with an arm around her waist, as the brunette held her protectively.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel any better," Josie asked. Hope nestled her head and held tighter to Josie.

"Just be here with me. Just for a while," she replied.

Josie kissed the top of Hope's head while smoothing her hair.

"I will be here as long as you want," she said.

Really short chapter but Hope you enjoyyyy :)

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