Chapter Twenty-Six

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Rebekah watched the girls as they slept somewhat peacefully. Josies hand tightly around Hope's waist as her head buried into her shoulder.

Rebekah was devastated. She didn't know how long it would take for her niece to recover. She'd never been through as much as she had these past couple of months. She prayed that Hope having Josie would help her, so she wouldn't be in this state for as long.

Hope groaned slightly and woke, her eyes not fully opening but just staring ahead around her room.

"Hi sweetheart, how do you feel?" Rebekah asked quietly as Josie was still sleeping.

"I feel sick," Hope said weakly as Rebekah noticed her pale face.

Because of her anxiety and trauma, rather than feel her emotional pain, Rebekah had found she transfered it to physical pain.

"Okay, why don't we go to the bathroom so that if you are sick it's easier," Rebekah soothed as she helped Hope to sit up.

Even standing from her bed felt as if she'd used all her energy for the day. The simple walk of about 4 meters had her stumble to the floor by the sink. Hope decided to just stay there: head leaning against the base of it.

Rebekah sat across from her and shut the door so that Josie could get some rest. She deserved it after everything she'd done.

Hope started to cry, her gaze falling heavier from exhaustion.

"I can't do this to her. To you. You both deserve better and you have to leave please I dont want to hurt you," Hope sobbed.

"Hope it's okay. We aren't going anywhere," Rebekah urged as she held her hand.

"She shouldn't have to take care of me all the time. I'm supposed to be taking care of her. She is probably sick of me and just doesn't know how to tell me," Hope continued as she took her hands away and buried her head in them.

"Hope she's not sick of you. Shes Caroline's daughter, I'm sure she's not afraid to speak her mind. If she felt that way she'd tell you," Rebekah reminded her, "now can we focus on how you feel right now Hope. What's going through your mind?" She asked.

Normally in a breakdown it consisted of Rebekah putting a stop to her fears with kind words, love and encouragement. But doing that was temporary. Hope needed to work through her feelings not push them down.

"I don't know," Hope answered tiredly.

If she was being honest Hope did know. But she already felt like a burden, she didn't want people to care about her more.

"You do know Hope. Don't hide it away from me," Rebekah stated.

"My dad shouldn't have saved me. Josie should've picked Penelope. Lizzie was right to hate me. There is no saving me. My mom would be disappointed in me. I'm scared. I'm a monster. I was the real threat this whole time," Hope spoke back almost angrily, trying to get all her feelings out at once before her aunt tried to get more out of her.

Rebekah sighed and moved so she was sat next to Hope. Hope leaned on her shoulder as her aunt held her tightly.

"You are worth everything Hope. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean other can't. Your father saved you because he loved you. Josie cares for you because of that same reason. You are beautiful and kind and good. No matter what your brain is telling you," Rebekah comforted as Hope listened.

"Why am I like this?" Hope sobbed into Rebekahs chest.

Hope hadn't taken in anything Rebekah said. If anything it made her feel more guilty. If she was supposed to be this amazing person with so many people who care about her then why was she so depressed. It hurt to think about.

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