Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hope had been asleep for hours, clutching Josie like a child holding a teddy bear. She didn't understand what was wrong with her but it was exhausting.

Josie hadn't left her. She was sat gently comforting her as she stared at the scars across her arm. Josie questioned if she should bring it up but she figured she best wait until Rebekah arrived.

Hope groaned gently and awoke breathing quiet heavily.
"Shhh it's okay. I'm here. Go back to sleep," Josie whispered as she kissed her cheek. It didn't take much convincing, Josie could tell she was tired.

Hope felt like this weight was on her chest, stopping her from feeling. She'd always found it hard to process things she went through. Her trauma with the hollow was pushed so far down that she learnt to do that with everything bad in her life.

Her dad leaving her, her family getting separated, her parents and uncle dying, getting assaulted, being used as a test subject. It was all pushed to a box Hope liked to use when she couldn't deal with something.

However every couple of years maybe, the box got opened. And even more trauma piled ontop of it. She wasn't aware of what opened the box, it was usually something small that happened to remind her. Other times it was something much bigger.

She hated the box being open. Being so depressed made her ill, unmotivated, hopeless, tired, irritable. And the box being open around Josie just made her want to disappear. She didn't want Josie to worry about her.

It was getting quite late and Josie was just falling asleep until the door creaked open.

Josie had never met Rebekah before, but she could tell it was her. She was extremely beautiful, like Hope, and the care she had in her eyes for the person Josie was holding, let her know she was family.

"Is she asleep," Rebekah whispered as she sat on the other side of Hope's bed. Josie nodded.
"How had she been?" Rebekah asked.

"I found her outside freezing. She was saying she wanted me to leave her there. I had to carry her in she was so tired. She's pretty much been asleep since then," Josie responded.

Rebekah took Hope's arm gently to check for scars, her face saddened when she saw them. Rebekah used a healing spell Freya gave to her to get rid of them.

"Can you tell me....what to. I don't know I guess just what to expect. How long this'll last? How to help her?" Josie asked as she watched Rebekah heal her.

Rebekah took a deep breath before responding. She didn't want to disclose Hope's private issues, but Josie would find out soon enough.
"This hasn't happened in about three years but it used to happen quite alot more," Rebekah started. As she spoke she noticed Josie holding a bit tighter to Hope and smiled.

"As I'm sure you know Hope hasn't had the easiest life. Not only this, but she finds it hard to accept and deal with the things she's gone through," Josie nodded taking in what she was saying,
"When she was younger Hayley and I tried all sorts of therapy for her. But she was a quiet child. We used to describe it to her as butterfly net. She catches all her bad thoughts before she can deal with them, and sadly that trauma gets built up. Until...well until this happens. And everything overflows. It can last days or weeks. The most it's lasted is two months, that was when her father had to leave her. There isn't much you can do for her mentally, but being there is the main thing,"

Josie was saddened by the lack of things she could try to help her. Rebekah brushed her hand on Josies shoulder.
"I know it's hard. Not just for her but for you too. You didn't sign on for this, you're allowed to leave if you want," Rebekah suggested.

"No I'm not leaving. I'm never leaving her. I love her," Josie said almost offended by the thought.

Rebekah smiled and laughed slightly
"If Klaus was here he would've liked you," she said. Josie was happy at her words and smiled back.

"You should get some sleep Josie, I'll watch over Hope while you do," Rebekah offered. Josie, being completely exhausted form worry, allowed her eyes to close as she continued to hold her girlfriend.

Okay short chapter bc I don't have time to write a long one. Also I promise after this hope will be happy kinda. And I will stop putting her in pain.

Anyways ily have a good dayyyy <3

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