Chapter Thirty

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Hope was dreaming peacefully. These past few days with Josie had helped her so much. She was beyond grateful for everything.

Worries troubled her as she fought between sleep and the present. Lacking consciousness, not allowing her to protect herself, josie. It was hard.

But she'd been a burden to Josie for weeks on end, she wasn't about to bring up another problem for her to fix. Hope knew she needed to fix it herself this time.

Hope hadn't really gotten much sleep on the car journey, the constant fear of danger kept her awake but not so awake that Josie would notice she was.

Pulling up to the Mikealson compound, Josie left a kiss on Hope's cheek to wake her which Hope found adorable.

"We're here," Josie whispered as Hope smiled, not wanting to leave the touch and comfort of her girlfriends arms.

"Yeah get up you lazy golden retriever there are celebrities about to open the door for us," Lizzie exclaimed as she pulled on Hope's arm to get her out of the vehicle.

Josie chuckled as she got out after her and shut the door.

"Hello sweetheart," said Marcel as he opened the door greeting his baby sister with open arms as she pulled a face at his tight grip.

"And you must be Josie, Freya has told me all about you,"

Josie was so nervous she didn't know how to act so managed to fluster into a half curtsey as she blushed and retained a whisper of the word "Hi"

Hope giggled quietly Josie hit her arm playfully

"Oh shut up I'm nervous okay!?" Josie spoke quietly.

"And I don't believe I've me-"

"I'm Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman, daughter to Caroline Forbes and potential heir to the Gemini coven," Lizzie stated as she posed an awkward stance for effect.

"Well it's very nice to meet you," Marcel chuckled giving a quick glance toward his niece, "The rest of the family are inside, sadly davina couldn't make it she's currently on an an 'important witch emergency' and she apologises for her absence. We will give you an hour to freshen up as I'm sure it took quite a while to get here and then if it's okay with you Hope we can eat some dinner together with Josie and Elizabeth,"

"Sure," Hope responded, she was still exhaustingly too tired to make conversation longer than a few words but she would try her best.

Marcel and Rebekah went in the opposite direction giving eachother a quick kiss before they did as Josie, Lizzie and Hope walked up the stairs to Hope's old bedroom.

"Did you see him call me Elizabeth!" Lizzie pretty much screeched trotting up the stairs like a dog who'd been given a treat.

Josie laughed holding Hope's hands as they walked up the stairs.

Upon entering her room, Hope lay on the bed exhausted as she watched Josie poke around at the things in her childhood bedroom.

Lizzie was getting changed, swapping the outfits out faster than she was trying them on before she found the perfect one.

Hope gazed around her room, the butterfly paintings she made, the pictures of her family haunting the walls of the room mixed in with old music and interests representing the person she used to be.

It was a sort of cursed nostalgia. It didn't make her upset or set her off, it was just sort of forgotten about. Like a rock thrown into the abyss of an ocean. Never to be allowed to the surface.

"Hey Hopey, no sleeping. You slept for like hours in the car and we are having dinner soon wake up," Lizzie said as she shook her.

Hope didn't realise she fell asleep and immediately woke up. Angry at herself for letting her guard down.

"You okay?" Josie asked as she kneeled by the bed to kiss Hope's forhead.

"Yeah I'm fine sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep," Hope said.

"You don't need to apologise. Are you sure you're okay?" Josie asked slightly worried now.

Hope had a few tells when something was wrong. Tells that Josie didnt let Hope know she knew about. Some of those tells were showing as of now: unnecessary apologies, exhaustion. Maybe she was just tired.

"Mhm," Hope smiled. She was okay. She didn't feel sad, angry, upset. She was just scared.

Okay so as u prolly know I haven't updated in a couple of months purely bc it took me alot of time. But this chapter is sort of a trial run for if I should keep writing more chapters so it's quite short but yeah if u do want more from this book then let me know.

I hope ur day is going okay and drink water pls and go easy on urself u got this <3. Ily.

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