Chapter Ten

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"How come you're nice to me," Josie asked Hope innocently while the pair walked back down the corridor. Hope looked confused so Josie continued

"Since, well....forever, I haven't seen you open up to anyone but me. I mean.. even with Lizzie. You two always used to fight. I remember this one time in 5th grade Lizzie shoved me over because I took her pen, you were so mad at her that you used your magic to make her start choking on worms. You barely even knew me. I guess I just want to know why I seem to be the only person you don't obliterate on sight..... Not that I'm complaining, " Josie added with a chuckle to herself.

Hope smiled and instinctively took Josies hand.
"I don't know," Hope answered, she didn't want to come across as sappy and vulnerable just as the two had started getting closer. Josie gave her a cute evil glare so she gave in and told her the truth.

"I've always been pretty good at reading people. I could look at you and know that you were kind. I used to watch you as you helped each ladybird stop falling in the pond on the field when we were younger- you still do now. And I knew that you were constantly overshadowed by your sister...but you let her. I could tell you were selfless and I just .. I don't know.... I guess, to me.... I could just tell you were someone worth knowing," Hope responded with a slight smile.

" come you didn't get to know me back then. I mean, you constantly distanced yourself from people, you missed school.... you barely spoke to me," Josie said, an almost a sad tone to her voice.

Hope so desperately wanted to tell her the truth- she was scared if she got close to her, she would lose her. She still is. But Hope felt Josie had seen enough of her inner thoughts today, so simply responded,
"I don't know...I'm sorry,"

Josie could hear Hope's guilt she felt and instantly regretted asking. She wanted to change the subject.

"So," she said as she walked into Hope's dorm, jumping on her new bed "What does this necklace do. I know it's some sort of talisman, but I've been looking everywhere and can't figure out what it does,"

Hope chucked and reponded, "Yeah you won't find that in any book. I made it using my own spells. It well.... it makes quiet things heard," Hope's face went red and she started talking at an obsessively fast pace, "Not in that I think you're quiet or anything like that I just think you are so selfless that you deserved to have a voice sometimes and I don't know it was dumb and I'm sorry I just wan-." She was rambling, afraid she'd let slip just how much she cared for Josie, and she wanted to take back her vulnerability. Josie laughed and kissed her forehead "You're adorable," she said.

Hope felt Josie was being very affectionate with her. Asking questions about her past, the constant physical touch, the kiss. Was Josie feeling that same things Hope felt? Hope watched as Josie took her shoes off and got under the duvet of Hope's bed. Was she planning on sleeping in her room again?... Not that Hope minded.

Josie had been afraid to leave Hope alone. She was worried, and she knew Hope was constantly tired and wasn't sleeping with everything she'd been through. So Josie didn't even ask Hope if she could stay over, she simply.. did. Josies domineering attitude was very attractive to Hope, and she couldn't help but feel the butterflies she had before.

"I-I need to get changed," Hope said feeling slightly embarassed by the fact Josie would see Hope in her pajamas.

Josie laughed at Hope's awkwardness, and found it cute how she was fidgeting more than normal.

"It's okay.. I won't look, no need to be so nervous," Josie smirked as she put the duvet over her head allowing Hope to change. Hope felt her breath hitch at Josie seeing right through her. It was... exhilarating.

Hope changed into a black tank top and some baggy, grey shorts. Normally, Hope would've slept without a bra on, but she felt nervous at doing this around Josie so kept it on. So obviously,  when Josie resurfaced from the duvet, her first words were "take your bra off Hope, you'll be uncomfortable,"

Josie was almost giggling at how much she knew she was making Hope nervous and watched as Hope got under the covers with her.
Josie was wearing a yellow t-shirt and white shorts, her hair tied into a messy low bun. She was loving the power she had over Hope, and slightly brushed her leg so it would touch hers.

Hope's cheeks blushed red and she tried to hide her face under the duvet. Failing miserably. The room was quiet for a few minutes as the two girls stared into eachothers eyes.

"What you said before... about me not getting to know you," Hope admitted quietly, "I do know why...  I was just- it was ju- everyone I've ever loved has left me. ...I guess I just.. didn't wanna to risk losing you too,"

Hope's eyes were looking down scared but she found the will to look up to see Josies reaction. Josies face was perfect. Her expression immediately calmed Hope, as if to show to her that it's okay for her to open up. Josie was proud of her, she knew Hope hated being vulnerable and this step made Josie feel so appreciated. That of all people... Hope opened up to her.

"You won't lose me... I promise," Josie responded sincerely. The pair wrapped their pinky fingers around eachothers as their foreheads touched. Both feeling so incredibly loved and safe.

There was no telling who wanted to kiss the other more.

Okay enjoy this chapter bc the drama is starting soon 🙂

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