Chapter Nine

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Josie had been holding Hope for almost an hour- comforting her.

Hope found herself growing tired, it was only 6pm but she hadn't had any decent sleep in awhile.

She wanted to stay awake and enjoy Josies arms around her as she hummed softly in her ear, but she found that Josies presence only made her eyes feel more heavy. Hope felt safe.

Like she could be in the midst of utter caos, but Josies touch would protect her.


It's something she felt she wasn't supposed to need. After all she was the tribrid, what all mighty being needs protection? But being with Josie was like being offered this by her. Something she'd never been offered before. And that's why Hope felt so secure in her arms.

Hope's eyelids grew heavy and her head dropped lower on Josies chest. Josie noticed and smiled, she felt Hope deserved everything she wanted and she deserved to sleep. Josie stayed with her a few minutes before gently easing Hope to lie on her pillow.
"Where are you going?" Hope murmured in a tired voice. Hope's voice was so attractive to Josie when she was tired, the relaxed, desperate tone made her heart flutter. Josie walked back over to Hope to make sure she didn't sit up and she stroked her hair.
"No where my love, I'm not leaving you. You're sleepy I can't tell. Now go back to sleep," Josie said as she kissed Hope's forehead. It didn't take much convincing for Hope to close her eyes again, she was exhausted.

After Josie had been shown all the things Hope had gone through all she wanted was her happiness. And she'd do everything to ensure she got it.

Walking around Hope's room, Josie could see the pictures of her family fastened to the wall and images of Hope as a child. It made Josie realise that eventhough she knew Hope, she didn't know her. They'd only become friends recently, and though they'd always known and been civil with eachother- for the most part- she wanted to know Hope as much as she could.

It was around 7 and Josie decided to wale Hope as she knew she hadn't eaten much today. Jo had been scouring around Hope's room admiring the ornaments and pictures in it while gazing at the sleeping girl. Josie wanted Hope. Not in a possessive action but just in a burning desire. She wanted to hold her, make her happy, give her everything she wanted and knowing that the other girl could feel the same was killing her.

Hope awoke still tired but gladly did as Josie wished and got changed so that could get some dinner from the cafeteria. She put on some grey pants with a black crop top and Josie could swear she'd never seen anyone more beautiful.

"Ready to go?" Hope asked slightly smirking at Josie who was still staring at Hope in awe.
"Sorry," Josie said as her face flushed bright red.

Walking out of her dorm Hope felt unsafe. What she did with the fire and the murmurs in the hall were too much. Josie could tell she was uncomfortable and took Hope's hand in hers. Hope felt like for the first time someone hadn't seen her as broken and it only made her appreciate the brunette more.

Hope remembered her kiss with Josie. It was true she was wrapped up in a wave of emotions, but did that mean it was just a spur of the moment act. No. She was upset, lonely, depressed and yet somehow when Josie was here all that went away. She wasn't reliant on Josie but to her, Josie made everything better.

The girls sat down next to Mg who was half asleep, arms sprawled out across the table resting his head on his chemistry notes.
"Mg?" Josie said while giving him a slight tap on the shoulder. His head sprung up so fast it scared the people in the room. Still a little out of it Mg stood up his eyes drooped and gathered his books.
"Chemistry test," he said tiredly before walking out of the canteen.

Hope and Josie laughed loudly seeing him walk away and Josie realized the canteen was now empty.
"Well Hope Mikaelson, it seems we have the food all to ourselves," Josie said rushing behind the counter of food and putting on a left behind chefs hat.
"What will it be pizza, sausages, cake, chips, salad? " Josie continued. She used her magic to levitate each item in the air and it made Hope giggle. Josie walked over to Hope and wrapped an apron around the back of her waist pulling her closer.

Hope's whole body felt weak feeling Josie control her movements. Her stomach filled with butterflies. Josie tied the apron around her back and brushed Hope's waist with her hand. Hope could've sworn that she could've collapsed into a heap right there. Her breathing stopped as Josie leaned toward her ear and whispered
"Come on Hope. What is your hearts desire?"

The red head looked up at Josie breathing heavily as the brunette smiled. Josie knew what she was doing to Hope and she absolutely reveling in it. Hope's eyes looked at Josie with desperation and it only made Josie want to fulfill her every wish.

The lights in the canteen turned out as the cleaner said
"Canteen is closed now guys, time to leave please,"
Hope looked down to catch her breath. She didn't know what would've happened if they weren't interrupted. The urge to kiss Josie was strong so would she have? Would Josie? I guess they wouldn't know.

Not yet.

Sorry for not updating have gcses and stuff. My first actual on is tomorrow so anyone that's doing gcses/ alevels soon good luck you'll be great xxxx

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