Chapter Two

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The teacher left the detention room grumpily so the twins figured their hour was up.

Hope still hadn't moved from her chair and looked completely lost in thought. Josie walked over to her hesitantly. They hadn't seen each other or spoke in a while and she was nervous.

"Hope?" Josie questioned quietly as not to scare her. She watched as Hope jumped out of her chair startled and started hurriedly packing up her things, she avoided eye contact with Josie in an attempt to seem okay.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise it was the end of detention," she says trying to act casual but Josie heard the slight crack in her voice starting as she grabbed her bag ready to escape.

"Hope...are you okay?" Josie asked concerned as she heard Hope's heavy breathing.

"Yeah, I'm fine Jo," she replies quickly as she runs out the room. Josie heard the unsteadiness in her voice and watched as the lights in the room flickered slightly before she left.

Hope was very obviously not okay but Josie felt it wasn't her place to continue questioning her. She didn't know what could've gotten Hope so upset.

Josie knew her family had separated a while ago and that her father was supposed to be some evil villan type, but she always assumed Hope could handle it.

After catching up with Lizzie who was walking with Mg, Lizzie questioned if Hope was okay. Her sister didn't really like Hope that much, so her questioning wasn't really heartfelt but more a  required act. Josie appreciated it nonetheless.

"No. She's definitely not okay. She ran out of the room crying and couldn't contain her magic she was that upset," Josie replies- a sad look across her face.

"That's odd," Mg says. Mg barely knew Hope but he always felt empathy for everyone- just as Jo did.

"Yeah," Jo replies at a loss of what to do about it.

"Guys. I'm sure Hope is just being overly emo today or something to match her overwhelming tribrid essence. She'll be fine. Now stop worrying," Lizzie says although she herself felt unconvinced, "anyway Jo, don't you have someone else to be worrying about?"

"Oh crap," Josie said as she ran off. Josie had completely forgotten about Penelope and their date night. Because of detention and the stuff with Hope she was now over 90 minutes late. Josie rushed into Penelopes room still out of breath when she mustered

"Penelope..I'm so...sorry," she got out taking large gulps of air in between each word.

Josie looked around the room and saw the romantic things had been put away and felt extremely guilty for leaving Penelope on her own.

Penelope walked over to Josie and put her ands on her shoulders.

"Breathe Jo... Something came up, it happens. Don't stress yourself out so much about it okay?" She soothes as she kisses the top of Josies forehead. Josie knew Penelope wouldn't be mad at her, but it didn't stop Josies overwhelming guilt.

"Sorry," Josie said again still mad at herself

"Come here," Penelope replied as she pulled Josies waist closer to hers and wrapped her arms around her.

Josie and Penelope had been dating now for over 6 months and though Josie loved her she still felt as though something wasn't quite right. She ignored her worries about their relationship and shoved them down to make Penelope happy, but in the back of her mind, those feelings were always there.

A few hours went by, and Josie decided to sleep in Penelopes room as a way of making up for missing their date. Penelope was fast asleep with her arm rested lightly across Josie's stomach.

Josie wanted to sleep but found herself too worried about Hope. She knew Hope didn't have many friends- if any. Granted that was her own choice, but when she is this upset she shouldn't have to deal with her feelings alone.

The time was 12.05 pm and Josie figured she wasn't going to get any sleep, so left Penelopes room to go on a walk.

After walking aimlessly around the school corridors she found she ended up at Hope's door.

Hope's door was unlike the rest of the doors at school, most had stickers and personalized graffiti indicating it was their room. Yet Hope's door was empty aside from a single piece of wood engraved with her name, 'Hope Mikaelson'.

From pure subconscious reflex, Josie entered her room, she didn't really know what she was planning on doing- after all it was past midnight, she could exactly wake Hope up and ask what's wrong.

However when she opened the door to Hope's room, she found she wasn't asleep. Hope was sat on her bed hugging her knees with her arms as her head rested upon them.

Josie heard her quiet sobs and rushed over to Hope. Josie sat behind Hope and put her arms around her to comfort her. Hope's cries grew louder as she turned around and buried her head into Josies chest.

"It's okay, your okay," Josie whispered as she felt Hope holding her tighter. Josie sat with Hope for a few minutes while she calmed down.

Josie was gently siphoning her as a way to relieve her from her powers for a few minutes.

When she felt Hope's heartbeat settle down slightly she lifted Hope's head off her chest and held it.

"My parents are dead," Hope answered to Josies not yet asked question.

Hope felt the overwhelming grief hit her again but tried to suppress it as best she could. Her eyes were red from crying and all Josie wanted was for her to be okay. But Josie knew there was nothing she could do to make this any better.

She couldn't imagine how Hope was feeling, she couldn't do anything. All Josie did was move backwards to rest on Hope's pillows so she could hold Hope again.

Hope felt so safe in Josies arms and lay upon her chest, thankful for her kindness.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Josie asked. She felt Hope's head answer no.

"I'm sorry, you can leave if you want I don't want you to miss out on sleep because of me," Hope said.

Josie knew that Hope didn't want to be alone so only held her tighter and said
"I'm not leaving you,"

Hope felt a tear run down her cheek as Josie said it.

"Thank you," Hope whispered tiredly.

Josie sat with Hope for a few hours wanting her to get some sleep as she assumed Hope hadn't got much this past week.

She gently stroked Hope's hair until she felt Hope's body relax and her breathing slow down. Josie didnt dare move from where she was in an attempt to not wake her up so she stayed with her the rest of the night. 

Okay this chapter was kinda rushed cause I have school in a second. I might fix some of it later. But yeah Hope you enjoyyy

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