Fresh Start

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I walked into my apartment and looked around. It was a nice size. Two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. My furniture should be here tomorrow so it looks like I will be sleeping on the floor tonight.

I made my way to my bedroom and started to hang up some of my clothes in my closet.

Here's a little about me. My Name is Asia Reyes. I'm Puerto Rican and Black. I'm 22 years old. I moved from Maryland to California because I wanted a change in my life. I needed a fresh start. I can be a handful at times, I'm not even going to lie. I'm the only child. Me and my parents don't really see eye to eye, so communication with them is slim to none. My best friend Grace lives here in Cali. We've been friends since we were in diapers. She's a real one.

I continued to put my things away until my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

Me: "Hello?"

???:" Hi, Ms. Reyes? This is Aaron, the store manager at Footlocker in West Hollywood Mall."

Me: "Oh, Ok. Hi, Aaron."

Aaron: "I was just calling to let you know that I got your transfer information and I also wanted to know if you would like to start on Monday?"

Me: "Yes, that will be fine. I'll see you Monday. Bye"

Aaron: "Thank you and bye."

Hanging up the phone, I finished putting my stuff away. I was done in about 30 minutes so I just sat there scrolling through instagram. After about 10 minutes I got up. "UGH" I groaned loudly as I walked through my apartment. "I'm bored as hell, ain't this some shit" I said.

Chris POV

I pulled up to my bro Tyga (Michael) house. I was bored as fuck at home so I decided to come over here. I cut my car off and walked inside. This nigga never locks his door.

"AYE NIGGA! WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT?" I yelled as I walked to kitchen.

"Bruh, got damn why you gotta be so loud" Tyga said coming out of his living room.

I shrugged as I looked through the refrigerator. I grabbed a juice then got some fruit snacks out the cabinet.

"I'm starting to think you only come over here to eat my son's snacks" He chuckled as he came in the kitchen.

"Man whatever, where little man at anyway?" I asked, sitting on the counter.

"I dropped him off at his moms house" He said.

"Yo, last night, I pulled a bitch with the fattest a-" I got cut off by tyga girlfriend calling him.

Grace POV

"In here babe!" Michael answered as I made my way to the kitchen. I kissed his cheek and said Hi to Chris.

"What were ya'll talking about?" I asked as I looked at the both of them.

"Nothing much" Michael said.

"Grace, when are you going to hook ya big bro up? I know you got some fine ass friends" Chris smirked.

"You know I don't fuck with bitches, one of my only friends just moved here but she don't really fuck with dudes. Sorry."

"Oh, I think CJ can change her whole view on that." Chris stated.

I laughed, "You know what, I'ma just walk away and act like I didn't hear that cause you nasty" I replied as I walked out the kitchen.

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