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Asia POV

I was sitting in my dressing room waiting for the photographer to get there. I was scrolling through instagram when something caught my attention on the tv.

"Singer Chris brown has announced that he is going to be a father via instagram. There is an ultrasound photo with a caption that reads 'I'm gonna be a dad'. This comes as a surprise but we wish him and his current model girlfriend, Asia Reyes, the best. More info about the two can be found on our website at"

I shook my head and turned the tv off.

"Ms. Reyes? There are two people at the front desk requesting to see you."

I scrunched up my face and walked out of my dressing room. I reached the lobby within minutes where I found a man and woman standing there.


"Mom?" I stood there "how did you find me?"

"It's not that hard. You are considered famous now." My dad walked over

"Why are you here?" I looked at the both of them.

"How could you not tell us you were pregnant sweetie?" My mom grabbed my hands but I pulled away

"The last time I checked, my parents didn't accept me for who I was"

"But now you have a boyfriend and a baby on the way. That stupid phase seems to be over" My dad smiled

"Both of you can leave." I walked back to my dressing room. I can't believe they decided to pop up like that.

About 30 minutes had past and I was still waiting to start my photoshoot.

"Ms. Reyes? I'm sorry to bother you again but Marc just called and informed me that he won't be able to make it and wants to reschedule. He apologizes for the inconvience."

I sighed. "That's fine. Just have him call me with the new date please." I got dressed and left the building.

"What else is going to happen today?" I mumbled to myself. I walked across the parking lot and got into the rental car to head back to the hotel. Since I'm basically in Miami for no reason and nothing to do, I'm cutting this trip short and going home tomorrow.

After a short drive I arrived at the hotel and went up to my room. I tried calling Chris earlier but he didn't answer. Maybe he was sleep or something. I'll try again later. I climbed into the bed and watched tv until I fell asleep.


The earliest flight I could get was 4pm so I should be home around 10pm. I'll be getting home late as hell but it's better than staying here another day with nothing to do.

I zipped up my suitcase and headed down to the parking lot. Since I checked out early I was in no rush to get to the airport so I decided to do a little sight-seeing on my way. Miami is a nice place, I may have to come back for a vacation.

I pulled into the parking lot of the airport. After returning the rental car and getting my bags checked, I boarded the plane.

6 hours later...

I stretched as I walked off of the plane. I went to baggage claim to get my bags then I was on my way home.

I walked into my apartment and flicked the lights on. Doesn't look like Chris has been here at all. He must be at his house. It's late as fuck but I miss him. I put my bags in my room and left.

Chris' house isn't far so I got there pretty quickly. I used my key to open the front door and let myself in.

"Babe?" I yelled

No answer

I shook my head "Probably can't hear me in this big ass house."

I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of juice before walking upstairs.

"That's why his ass couldn't hear me" I commented on the loud music coming from the bedroom

I turned the knob walking into the bedroom.

"What the fuck?!" I stood there shocked as my cup fell from my hand.


Asia's parents in the MM

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