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Asia POV

"Turn to the left and tilt your head down just an inch." The photographer instructed

I was currently at a photo shoot. I've been getting booked since my first photos I had taken. I've actually come to love this job.

"Perfect! We're done. Great job." The photographer walked over

"Thank you. I'm glad you wanted me for this shoot." I shook her hand

"You're the hottest model in L.A right now. Everyone is talking about you so I had to get to you before anyone else did."

I blushed at her words "Thanks again" I walked to my dressing room to change so I could leave.

As I was pulling on my shorts there was a knock at the door. "Just a minute" I yelled. I finished getting dressed and went to open the door and Chris was standing there was roses. "What did you do?" I crossed my arms.

"Nothing" he laughed "I can't bring my girl flowers?"

I eyed him before taking the flowers. "Thank you" I pecked his lips

"Where's your car" I asked as I looked around the parking lot

"Mijo dropped me off. Give me your keys, I'm driving"

"Boy bye" I smacked his hand "I have things to do"

"Well I'm coming with you" We both got into my car

"Ok what did you do forreal? Why you stuck up my ass all of a sudden? Guilt must be eating ya ass up" I side eyed him as I pulled out of the parking lot

"Nah babe. What makes you think that?"

"Because now you got time? And bringing me flowers?"

"Just appreciate it"

"I guess" I mumbled


"Get dressed. I'm taking you out" Chris walked into my bedroom

"To where?"

"Dinner at the Italian place across from my studio"

"Alright. Let me get dressed"

I decided to wear a nice black dress and heels. It should be a surprise since I rarely ever dress up. Chris was watching tv when I walked into the living room.

I cleared my throat "I'm ready"

Chris POV

I turned my head so that I was looking at Asia.

"Damn" I examined her from head to toe "You look amazing. Fuck dinner, I want you now." I walked over to her

"Stop playing. Let's go" She turned around but I pulled her back

"Come on baby"

"Stop Chris, not now, let's go"

"Aight" I smacked my lips "But when we get back that ass is mine"

I followed her out of the house and to my car. After opening the passenger door for her, I got in the drivers side and drove to the restaurant.

"I have a reservation for two, last name Brown" I told the waiter

"Right this way" he led us to a table in a secluded area.

"This is fancy" Asia commented as she looked through the menu.

"Only the best for my baby" I winked at her

We ate and talked about several things including our careers. I'm proud of her. She's actually a really good model.

I paid for our dinner once we finished and I drove back to Asia's place.

Soon as Asia closed the door I had her against the wall placing kisses all over her. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom


"Chris get your phone"


"Get your damn phone, it keeps going off" Asia turned over and pulled the covers over her

I grabbed my phone off the table. The brightness nearly blinded me.

"Got dammit" I groaned from the phone falling in my face.

I squinted, looking at the phone. I had 4 texts from Andrea

Andrea (1:32am): Where are you?

Andrea (1:35am): Can I see you tonight?

Andrea (1:37am): Are you sleep?

Andrea (1:44am): Come see me, I promise you'll like it ;)

I looked over at Asia then back at my phone.

Me (2:05am): Be there in 15. Have on what I like

I got out of bed trying to find my clothes to put back on.

"Where the fuck is my other shoe" I whispered to myself

"What's wrong?" Asia yawned as she sat up

"Nothing babe go back to sleep"

"Where you going?" Her face scrunched up once she saw I was dressed

I froze at her question. I quickly said the first thing that came to my mind

"The studio"


Excuse any mistakes

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