We Chillin

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Asia POV

"So you want the Jordan 13s in a size 10 and the Jordan 8s in a 10.5?"

"Right." The customer replied

"Alright. Ima get them from the back and I'll be ready to check you out"

I got the correct shoes and checked him out. Afterwards I clocked out and headed to my best friend's house.


Arriving to Grace's house, I cut my car off and went to unlock the door. (Yes, I have a key).

"WHERE YOU AT?!" I yelled, walking in her house

"Outside!" She yelled back. I walked through her house and out her back door. She was sitting outside with Michael and Chris.

"Hey" I waved at Michael and hugged Grace. "My baby" I cheesed hard as I walked over to Chris sittin in his lap "I missed you" I placed kisses all over his face.

"Okay, okay. I missed you too babe" he laughed

"Alright enough of all that lovey dovey shit" Grace playfully rolled her eyes.

3 hours later

We chilled with Grace and Michael for a while but I was ready to go. I got up and gave them a hug and then me and Chris went back to my place.


"And thats game! I win again!" I got up and did my victory dance and stuck my tongue out at Chris.

"You be cheating. I want a rematch. Ain't no way yo ass beat me twice in 2k15"

"Well believe it. I'm the best"

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

Chris POV

I like the little "relationship" me and Asia have. Nothing is official and I kind of like it that way. I don't really want a relationship right now. You know Breezy love the ladies. Don't get me wrong, Asia is the perfect woman. I can see myself settling down one day but that day ain't today.....or any time soon hopefully.

There was a comfortable silence between us. I laid my head on her lap and watched tv.

"Chris?" She said

"Wassup babygirl?"

"Have you ever thought about having a singing career?"

"I have, it would be alot of females that would want ya boy" I wiggled my eyebrows "But then again I don't think I would want that lifestyle"

She smacked her lips "Nobody wants yo annoying ass. Anyway, I think you could really be a great artist. You got the voice and look for it"

"I don't know. I might consider it. You gon help me through it if I make it?"

"Of course" she smiled


Today is the day I meet with management at RCA Records. Asia crazy ass talked me into sending in demos 4 months ago and here I am today.

(After the meeting.....)

Asia POV

"Sooo. How was it? What they say?" I asked Chris as he walked into the living room.

"They didn't like me"

"Aww, well maybe the next label will" I sat beside him.

"They didn't like me cause the loved me. They signed me today. I got a deal" he hugged me

"I'm so proud of you"

He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss as he climbed on top of me. He kissed down my neck as his hands went under my shirt.


"Can I ask you something?" I turned to Chris. "What are we doing?"

"Uhhh, watching tv."

"No smartass" I hit his arm "I mean this lil thing we have between us."

"Well, we just chilling, going with the flow"

"What if I don't want to "chill" anymore. What if I want more. We have been "chilling" for a while now"

He started to laugh but I didn't

"Oh you're serious?"

"Yeah I'm serious Chris"

"I'm not really ready for that level of commitment"

"Alright. It's cool."

"Cool? Aight, now give me a kiss"

"Nah, go kiss one of your lil hoes" I got up and went to my room.

Chris POV

She can't be serious right now. I got up off the couch and laughed to myself. Females are so complicated but I'm not about to go through this right now.

I grabbed my keys and left out her apartment. As I'm walking to my car I get a text

Krystal: Wya? Wanna come thru? ;)

I stared at the text for a moment......fuck it.

Me: Give me 20 minutes

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