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Asia POV

"What's wrong with me?" I questioned myself looking in the mirror. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at myself.

Here I am, in my apartment crying over a nigga that don't give two fucks about me. I looked over at my phone that was vibrating. Another missed call, that makes it 27 calls and 15 texts from Chris and its only 10am.

"Don't cry sweetie." My mom pulled me into a hug. She pulled me out of the bathroom and sat beside me on my bed.

I broke down and called my mother. We aren't as close as we could be but I still love her and I'm glad she's here.

"It just bad" I sobbed

"Shhh...It's going to be ok." She rubbed my back.

My mom calmed me down and I eventually fell asleep.


I stretched as I sat up. The nap I took was much needed. I deeply sighed as my phone began to vibrate once again. Getting annoyed from the constant buzzing, I turned the phone off.

I walked into the kitchen and the smell of cookies filled my nose.

"I made your favorite." My mom smiled

"Thanks" I grabbed 4 cookies off of the plate. I went to the fridge for some milk but I didn't have any. "How am I supposed to enjoy my cookies with no milk?" I pouted

My mom chuckled "I'll go get you some." She removed her apron and picked up her keys from the counter.

"Thanks mommy." I kissed her cheek

About 10 minutes after my mom left there was loud banging on my front door

"Who is it?!" I yelled

"Open the door Asia. Let me talk to you."

I rolled my eyes "Go away Chris"

"Just give me 5 minutes."

I hesitated for a moment before opening the door "Talk."

"I can't come in?" He asked

I stepped aside and closed the door after he walked in. I went to the living room and sat on the chair across from him. I crossed my arms as I looked at him. "You gonna talk today or tomorrow?" I asked

"Listen. I love you Asia I really do. And I know I fucked up real bad this time but I can't lose you. We can fix this."

Growing angry, I frowned "Nah nigga its too late for that shit."

"Please. I'm begging you. I'll do anything."

"Nah. You scarred me and made me forget that I was pretty within. Grace told me I should've left you the first time you cheated and I should've listened cause yo ass did it again! What is it? What's wrong with me? Is it because I'm in not thick like them other bitches?" I wiped my tears

"No baby you're beau-" I cut him off

"Let me finish. I did everything for you. I was here throughout all the bullshit. But I still got cheated on. I guess I wasn't pretty enough. That bitch I cought you with had bigger tits and a brazilian ass. What do you find in them bitches anyway? You know I was already insecure but now I feel shitty as fuck! I'm analyzing my figure trying to see what's wrong with me. But I cared for you! I was always there for you! I shed plenty tears hoping that you would change but you never did you just love getting around with all these bitches. You don't even realize that you're destroying my self esteem, I lost myself and you don't truly care about how I feel."

I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself.

"But you know what? I've completely changed now. My heart cold as fuck and you the one to blame for that." I looked at Chris and noticed that he was crying too. "I just wanna feel pretty again." My voice cracked and the tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry baby. I really am. I shouldn't be stressing you like this and you're pregnant." He came over to me

"I've heard it before. You're sorry but you continue to fuck up." I paused "I think it's best if we have some time apart. None of this is healthy."


Inspired by J-Jon - Pretty Again

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