Everything's Good

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Asia POV

"Great" I mumbled. Chris passed out when I told him I was pregnant. I got up and went to the kitchen. I fixed a cup of ice cold water. I stood over him before pooring the water on his face.

"Oooh shit" He jumped up "What happened?"

"You passed out after I told you I'm pregnant"

"You're pregnant?" He questioned

"Yes Chris" I got the ultrasound pictures off of the counter and handed them to him

"Wow" he looked at all of the pictures "Can I put this on instagram?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Too late. It's already up." He stuck his tongue out at me "I'm going to be a dad. This is the best day of my life" he walked over to me and rubbed my stomach "So, what are we naming him?"

"Him? How do you know its not a girl?" I raised an eyebrow

"Trust me, I know"


These last few weeks have been surprisingly great. Chris has been very supportive and he's always around. I'm glad he's happy. I thought he was going to react very different than what he did.

"You need anything from the store?" Chris sat on the bed beside me

"No, I don't want anything"

"You sure?" He rubbed my stomach

I smiled "Yes I'm sure"

"Alright. Don't move until I come back"

"I'm pregnant not handicap"

"Same difference. I'll be right back though"

Chris POV

I decided to go to the store down the block since Asia didn't need anything. I hopped out the car quickly. I was hoping no one would notice me but a few girls in the store ran over to me. I signed their shirts and took a few pictures before I left.

I unlocked the front door walking back into Asia's apartment. My phone began ringing as I was walking into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I answered the phone holding it in place with my shoulder

"Hi baby. How are you?"

"I'm good mama"

"I was calling to let you know that I'm having a family get together tomorrow and I want you and Asia to be here."

I laughed "That's a little short notice don't you think"

"Boy don't get smart with me. I know both of ya'll asses better be here"

"Yes ma'am" I mumbled

"Good. I love you both. See you tomorrow"

"Love you too" I hung up the phone

I walked into the bedroom and Asia was asleep. I took a picture and posted it on instagram with the caption "sleeping beauty"

"Asia" I tapped her leg "get up babe"

"Why" she whined

"We gotta catch a flight to VA"

"For what?" She sat up

"Mama wants to see you. Come on" I pulled her out of bed

"I can't. You know my shoot with Marc is in 2 days. I have to fly to Miami tomorrow."

"Damn. That's right. I forgot."


"Bye baby, I'll be back in a couple of days" Asia pecked my lips before walking into the airport

I hopped back into my lambo and drove home. Once I got there, I went into the living room.

Me (8:34pm): What you doing?

Andrea (8:40pm): Nothing right now

Me (8:43pm): Good. Come over. My girl gone for a couple days

Andrea (8:50pm): Address?

Me (8:53pm): 8263 Citrus Ridge Rd

Andrea (8:55pm): Be there in 45 minutes ;)

I threw my phone on couch beside me and waited for Andrea to get here.

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