Maybe not

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Asia POV

"So this is why you weren't answering my calls? You here fucking bitches in the bed that we shared? Wow." I laughed

"Babe listen I can explain" Chris pushed the girl off of him and came towards me

"Back. The. Fuck. Up." I said through gritted teeth

"Who is this? What's her name?!" I pointed to the girl "She ya side bitch? Mr. Hoes ain't loyal, but look at yo ass"

"Chris I'll call you later" the girl got up

"Oh no, sit ya homewrecking ass down hoe. Nobody is going anywhere. Get ya bitch Chris."

"First of all I'm not a bitch." She walked towards me "and second, I suggest you get out my way before we have a problem"

"Oh honey, I may be pregnant but my hands work just fine. Try me if you want to."

She swung at me but missed. I punched her in her face and she stumbled back. She regained balance and ran towards me, slamming me into the wall. I groaned out in pain but I tried get her arms from around my waist. She tripped causing me to fall on top of her. I took that as my chance to beat her ass. I repeatedly punched her face and head. Her nose cracked and her lip was busted, blood was on my hands but I didn't care.

"Asia stop! You gon kill her!" Chris picked me up off of the girl

"That's what I'm trying to do! Let me go!" I kicked my legs "I'ma kill her and then you!" I yelled

The girl got up stumbling around the room trying to find her clothes. There was blood on the floor from her nose and mouth. She finally found everything and ran out of the house.

"I can't believe you!" I yelled. He had put me down and I punched his chest "I'm almost 5 months pregnant with your child and you have the nerve to be fucking other bitches the second I leave?! What kind of shit is that Chris?!" At this point tears were streaming down my face

"I know, I fucked up" He sat on the bed

"You haven't seen fucked up" I walked out of the room

Chris POV

"Asia!" I walked after her but she ran out the house. "Fuck!" I yelled and punched the wall. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands. "I really fucked up this time." I said to myself

The front door slammed. "Asia? Baby is that you?" I walked downstairs. I ran when I heard the sound of glass breaking.

Asia was standing in the living room with a bat in her hand. My glass coffee table was shattered into pieces.

"Baby, put the bat down and talk to me, we can fix this." I slowly stepped towards her

"Take another step. I dare you. Watch and see don't I beat yo ass with this bat." She spoke angrily through her tears "I can't believe you. I never once cheated on you, but you can't seem to keep your dick in your pants." She swung the bat hitting a vase onto the floor.

She walked over to the tv and hit it with the bat. Any and everything in the house that was breakable, she broke it.

I have a huge bruise on my arm from her hitting me when I tried to stop her. She made her way outside but I was right behind her. She swung the bat and broke the headlight on my rolls royce. She walked around the car and swung the bat again but this time she hit the windshield. She paused for a second and looked at the line of cars. Her eyes landed on one of my cars and she smirked.

I followed the direction of her eyes and noticed that she was looking at my blue lambo.

She began walking towards it with the bat, ready to swing.

"Wait, wait, wait, please not this one" I begged but she kept walking. I grabbed her from behind "Please just listen to me"

"I don't want to hear shit. Just when I was starting to trust you again, you go and fuck it up!"

"I know, and I'm sorry" I held her as she cried

"Fuck your sorry. Get the fuck off me." She got out of my grip and walked to her car.

I watched as she drove out of the driveway and down the road.

Life Itself | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now