Let me just...

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Grace POV

"Heyyyy boo" I embraced Asia in a hug.

We all decided to meet up at the mall and hang out today. Michael and Chris wandered off somewhere so me and Asia are going to shop together.

"Where you want to go to first?" I asked linking arms.

"Forever21 of course"

-2 hours and hundreds of dollars later-

We are now in the food court eating our food and waiting for Michael and Chris.

"So how is work?" I took a bite of my sandwich

"Its footlocker" she laughed "I guess it's good"

"When was the last time you spoke to your parents?"

"Honestly. It's been about a year"

"I still don't understand ya'll" I shook my head

"That's them. They think just because I like both sexes it's a problem but anyway, can you talk about something else"

"Hm. Ok. What's with all the hickies?" I pointed to her neck. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head and I couldn't help but laugh. "Did you think your hair covered them or something?"

"Hell yea. Shit. Ima kill Chris" she replied

"CHRIS?! Ok. Wassup with ya'll forreal?"

"Nothing Grace. He just play too much"

"Yea he playing alright"

"Shut up" she threw a fry at me. Before I could say anything, Michael and Chris walked over to us.

"Ya'll ready to go?" Michael asked looking at us

"Yea let's go" Me and Asia stood up and grabbed our bags.


Asia POV

I unlocked my apartment door and walked in with bags. Chris carried the rest. I think I went overboard with the shopping today.

"Where you want me to put your bags lil bit?" Chris asked

"Could you stop with that name"

"Nah, now where you want your bags?"

"Just sit them in my closet"

He carried my bags to my closet then came back and sat beside me in the living room. I would be lying if I said Chris wasn't attractive. He's perfect actually.

"What you thinking about?" He poked my cheek

"Stoop" I smiled "You always touching me"

"You like it though" He smirked

"Whatever" I laid my head on his shoulder

A few minutes passed and I got up to go change into comfortable clothes. I put my hair in a bun then walked out of my bathroom. As I was about to walk out of my room I bumped into Chris. We stared at each other then he leaned in and kissed me passionately. We walked over to the bed never breaking the kiss.

He took his shirt off, then climbed on the bed hovering over me. He kissed me slowly and tugged at my bottom lip with his teeth, his tongue then entered my mouth as his hands roamed my body. His fingers started to pull down my panties but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait" I breathed out

"Relax baby" he kissed my neck "Let me please you"

"O-Ok" I moaned out.

Chris POV

I kissed from her neck to her stomach down to her panty line. I pulled her panties off and spread her legs

"Don't move" I demanded as I kissed her inner thigh

She's already soaked. I softly kissed her second set of lips. I ran my tongue up and down her slit. She tastes so good.

I licked and sucked on her clit and she moaned out in pleasure. I flicked my tongue against her clit rapidly.

"Fuck. Don't stop" she moans loudly and tries to close her legs

I popped her thigh "I said don't move"

Asia POV

My body was in so much pleasure and he's only using his tongue. He slipped his finger inside and sent me over the edge. I grabbed the sheets and bit my lip hard.

"Faster!" I moaned. He added a finger and went faster

"Shit! Right there" I screamed out as he hit my spot

"Right here?" he smirked at me hitting my spot again


He repeatedly hit my spot and my legs began to shake

"Cum for daddy" he said and at that moment my eyes rolled back and I released my juices on his fingers. He cleaned up the mess and trailed kisses up my body until he got to my lips. He kissed me allowing me to taste myself on his lips.



I sat up in bed and looked around "how long did I sleep?" I asked myself. I pulled an oversized shirt on and walked to my living room to see Chris watching tv.

"Looks like somebody is finally up. Come here" He patted his lap. I walked over to him and sat down "You sleep good lil bit?" He asked

"Yes I did" I smiled

"Cause of daddy. Had that ass knocked out. You ain't even get cj yet"

"Shut up Chris"

"Listen, it's a little party over at Grahams Plaza tonight, you want to go with me? No fancy shit"

"Sure. Let me go get ready"

"Alright and don't take too long either"

"Ahh shut up, kiss my ass" I stuck my middle finger up

"Bring it here and I will"

"So damn nasty"

"I know" He laughed "But forreal, don't take too long"

At the party......

Chris POV

Fuck up some commas by Future blasted through the speakers as we walked in. Ty and Grace are already here somewhere. I went to fix myself a drink and I noticed Sasha walking towards me. Dammit what the fuck does she want now.

"Heyyyyy baby" she slurred grabbing my arm

"First off, I'm not your baby and second don't touch me" I moved her arm off of me

"Chris stop playing"

"I'm not playing Sasha now go on somewhere" I walked around her

"Fine! Be like that then" she shouted before walking away.

I walked out to the backyard and found Asia, Grace and Ty. They were all standing around a dude with a huge snake.

"Here, take a picture, I'm about to hold it" Asia said handing me her phone


After the party I drove back to Asia's apartment. I was too drunk to drive all the way to my house so I just stayed here. I stripped out of my clothes and got in bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close.

"Goodnight Chris" she said

"Goodnight beautiful" I kissed her forehead and then we both drifted off to sleep.

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