Do Better

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Chris POV

"I'm coming" Sasha yelled as I banged on the door. Seconds later the door swung open.

I walked past her to her living room. "What's this child support bullshit you sent me?"

"For our child Chris. Why else would someone pay child support"

"You fucking lying. I never hit that without a condom. I ain't stupid"

"Well how the fuck did I end up pregnant then?!" She stepped closer to me

"That's none of my business. I just know it's not mine. You probably only doing this shit cause you a gold digging bitch, but you not getting a dime from me and that's a promise."

"None of your business?! So you calling me a hoe?!"

"Hell yea I am. Pussy popping for every nigga in California. So like I said, I'm not stupid. That's not my baby"

"Chris, let me talk to you for a minute" Tyga pulled me aside


"Have you even seen this baby? You need to take a DNA test asap to shut this bitch up. If the media gets a hold of this you'll never hear the end of it" He spoke barely above a whisper

I nodded "You right. See this is why you my bro"

I walked back over to Sasha. "Listen, I apologize for coming at you the way I did. Can I atleast see the baby?"

She stood thinking for a moment "Fine, I'll be right back" she disappeared down a hallway

Me and Tyga sat on the couch waiting

"You sure you ain't the daddy?" Tyga joked

"Man, now is not the time to joke around. I never fuck these hoes without a condom. That's rule number 1." we both laughed

Our conversation continued for another five minutes before Sasha finally came from the back holding a baby. She walked over handing him to me.

I stared at him, examining his features. I wanted to see if he had any of mine. Lil man is handsome but I just don't see myself in him.

"I'ma call my of my dudes I know to come over and do a paternity test and we can go from there"

She simply nodded


2 Days Later

Asia POV

Its been a few days since I've spoken to Chris. I still can't believe there's a possibility that he's a father. Was I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? Tears fell from my eyes, I didn't realize that I was crying. I quickly wiped my face when I heard knocking on the door. Chris stood on the other side. I don't even want to deal with him right now

"Can I come in?" He asked

I stepped to the side not even looking at him. I followed behind him to the living room

"Can you say something? Anything?"

"What am I supposed to say?" My voice cracked as I looked up at him

"Baby I'm so sorry" he kneeled down in front of me "I came to show you this" he pulled a paper out of his pocket "I'm not the father, I told you I wasn't"

"That's great Chris, but that still doesn't change the fact that you cheated" I looked into his eyes

"I know and I'm sorry. It will never happen again."

Chris POV

She looked away from me.

I sighed and kissed her forehead "I'll be back"

I walked to my car and drove to Sasha's house

"Open up" I banged on the door

"Damn Chris. Do you have to knock so loud"

"Umm yes I do and here" I handed her the paper "read this"

She stood there reading the paper and her face saddened. Tears soon fell from her eyes

"Don't cry" I hugged her "It will be ok"

"No it won't, I can't do this by myself. I don't know how to raise a child. Children are expensive"

"You just have to find the real father. And if you don't you will still be ok. Your son needs you."

After I talked to Sasha and made sure she was ok, I walked to my lambo and texted Asia

Text Convo

Me (6:45PM): Can I take you to dinner? Please? I miss you

Lil Bit (6:57PM): For?

Me (7:01PM): Just to talk

Lil Bit (7:04PM): Pick me up in an hour


Asia POV

"Thanks for letting me take you out tonight" Chris said as he ate

"You're welcome" I sipped my lemonade

"You know I don't want to lose you Asia, I can't"

"Aww, is that what you tell all your females to keep them around?" I sarcastically asked and his jaw clenched

"Stop fucking with me. You know you aren't like them females"

"I sure can't tell it. You still fucking with them after I asked you not to" I shook my head "I will tell you one thing going to have to be on your best behavior to get even an once of my trust back"

"I'll do anything for you"

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