Meeting Mama

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Asia POV

"What if she hates me? I can't do this" I paced back and forth across the living room floor.

Chris' mom comes today and I'm not sure if I'm ready to meet her. I mean, my own parents don't really like me. I laughed to myself at that thought.

I haven't talked to my own parents since I moved here. I did get an e-mail from my mom once, I guess she saw me in the media as "Chris Brown's Girlfriend." But, I'm not surprised. They only want to speak to me when I'm "acting normal and not following trends."


"What's wrong with me liking guys and girls?!" I yelled

"Lower your fucking voice. I am your father, not your damn child." My dad pointed his finger in my face before walking away.

"Asia, sweetie, me and your father only want the best for you. Did someone pressure you to do this? It's ok you can tell us. We can get you help if you need it."

I rolled my eyes "No mom. No one pressured me to do anything. I like what I like and thats it"

"But I don't understand. What are you going to do later in life when it comes to having children? Or getting married?" My mom asked as tears fell down her face

"You plan on raising a child with another woman? Having your child grow up with two mothers and all that other bullshit! It's a fucking joke!" My dad yelled at me

"What if I do? Huh? You two are as straight as it gets, right? But guess what.....Your daughter likes both sexes and that won't change. I'm sorry"

My mother went upstairs crying. My father just looked at me, no emotion.

"No child of mine is going to live in my house and live that lifestyle." My dad spoke through gritted teeth "So either get your shit together Asia or find another home"

"Looks like I'll be moving out then" I walked past him but stopped as I reached the stairs "And dad.....Thanks for the and mom." I said sarcastically "I still love ya'll. I'll be out your hair soon and you will have no more problems in your perfect life."

Flashback ended

And from that day, me and parents haven't really talked. We have occasional conversations just to check on each other but other than that its little to none.

"Asia! Snap out of it!" Grace shook me


"I've been talking to you and you're just standing there like Raven Symone when she had a vision" she laughed

"Haha, fuck you" I sat down on the couch

"Awwww, someone is sensetive today. Here, have a snickers, you're not yourself when you're hungry"

I stared at her for a minute "Grace.... get the fuck out" I pointed towards the door

"Okay okay I'm done. No need to get your panties in a bunch"

"This is a serious situation. No time for joking around. What if she can tell I like girls too? Do I look gay? Maybe I should wear a dress....and heels. Is that too much? Yeah it is. I'll just dress casual but not sloppy but not too dressy. Shit, I need some air, a drink, a blunt, something."

"Asia calm down. Everything is going to be ok. You're overthinking this whole situation. If he says she's gonna like you trust him. I should hope that he knows his mom well enough to tell whether or not she likes someone. So just breathe and relex. No worries"

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