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Asia POV

Today is Vae's 3rd birthday. Since we are here in Virginia, Mama J decided to have a birthday party at her house. All of the family is here. Chris even flew my parents up here. I'm glad to say that I finally see a change in Chris. Maybe a daughter is what he needed. He's been an amazing father. Navaeah adores him. Even though we aren't together I'm happy he's been here.

"Hey Asia." Red pouted walking over to me

"What's wrong with you?"

He sniffed "You was supposed to be my babymama."

"Go sit down somewhere." I laughed

I walked into the house to get something to drink. Kids were running all over the place. Music was playing loudly. Everyone was having a good time. It's nice to know that Vae will grow up with a loving family.

Chris POV

"Wassup man" I greeted August "You ready for the show tonight?"

"I'm always ready."

"Cool. Nobody knows you're coming though. Did you get everything set up for me?"

"Bruh I told you I got this. Now where the birthday girl at?"

"She running around here somewhere." I laughed

A couple hours later the party had ended. Navaeah enjoyed herself and got a whole room full of gifts.

I kissed Navaeah's head before walking downstairs.

"You ready?" I looked at Asia and she nodded. I hope so.

The drive was quiet. I was nervous as hell. I opened the door for Asia. She went to her seat and I walked backstage.


"There's something in this liquor, the air is getting thicker" I finished up one of my last songs.

"Can I perform one more song for ya'll?" I spoke into the mic

The crowd screamed "yeah!"

"Alright. I need a little help with this one though. If it's okay with ya'll I'ma let my little bro help me."

August walked out and the crowd screamed

"Now this song is something I have been working on for a while. And I need somebody to come up here with me."

I looked through the crowd at all of the girls waving their hands, wanting me to pick them. "You." I pointed to Asia. She shook her head no "Come on, don't do me like that." She gave in and walked on the stage.

"As ya'll may know, this woman right here is the mother of my beautiful daughter. She is also the reason why I'm on this stage right now. She pushed me to pursue this career. And I wrote this song just for her."


It kills me to see you cry

Even more when I tell a lie

And it's always something I do, to you baby

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