She Knows

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Grace in MM

Asia POV

"Open up there door" I said as I knocked on it. Impatient I know. Oh well. Grace finally came to the door letting me into her apartment. "About damn time, had me waiting outside all day"

"Asia shut the hell up, you were outside for barely a minute"

"Anyway. You cook anything? I'm hungry" I walked toward the kitchen

"Nope I didn't"

I sat on the counter and ate some strawberries she had out. "What are you doing tonight?

"Umm...nothing that I know of why? You want to go out?"

"Can't. Chris wants to see me tonight."

Grace raised her eyebrow "Oh really. You and Chris have gotten real close over these past months. You like him?"

"No." I lied

"You know you are a terrible liar Asia. Can't even keep a straight face. Ya'll fucked?" She asked coming closer to me.

"No........but we almost did the other day" I said lowly

Grace quickly looked up at me "What!?"


"When were you gonna tell me that you and Chris almost had sex?"

"I don't know" I got off the counter "Nothing really happened, he just had me on the counter"

"Wait a minute. Don't walk away. I need details"

I groaned. "Really Grace"

"Yes really" She grabbed my arm and sat me beside her on the couch "Ok. Start."

15 minutes later

(Still Asia's POV)

"And that's what happened" I said

"Sooo you do like him?!" Grace cheesed at me

"I do but I'm not telling his ass that. He has too many thirsty females around him for me. I refuse to put my feelings out there only to have me looking stupid in the end. No thank you"

"I understand what you saying" Grace agreed

"Yea. I'll see you later though." I gave Grace a hug and headed home.


On my way home I decided to stop at the store to get some groceries. I'm walking down an isle and some girl bumps into me. The hell.

"Excuse you. Rude ass" I said

"Whatever. I only have one thing to say to you and that's to stay away from Chris. He's mine" She said. This poor girl must be delusional.

"Ha. Ok. And your name is?"

"My name i-"

"Wait, I know" I cut her off "Is it Keyshia? Brittany? Ashley? Diamond? Karina? No, you must be Megan."

"My name is Sasha" she said

"Shit, I was close. Chris got so many hoes it's kinda hard to remember all of ya'll names" I smiled at her

"Funny, just remember what I said. Stay away from him"

"Ok. I'll be sure I tell him this tonight"

"Fuck you"

"Oh baby I know you want to but you aren't my type. Have a nice night though" and with that being said, I walked away.

I carried my bags into my apartment and began to put the food away. Chris should be here by 9 so that gives me enough time to have food ready and to get myself ready. I decided to make baked spaghetti with garlic bread.


After showering and putting clothes on, I walked into my living room to find Chris sitting there watching tv.

Chris POV

"You have got to stop coming in like you live here. Give me my key back" she said holding her hand out

I looked at her hand then back at her then smacked her hand "Uh how about no. Now let's eat"

She fixed our plates and we sat down to eat. It was quiet but not awkward.

"Chrissy, you need to get your hoes under control. Some girl came to me talking about I better stay away from you and you're hers. She almost got her ass beat" she said, mumbling the last part but I still heard her.

I laughed "That's what cj does to these girls. They get addicted"

We finished up our food and I cleaned up the plates as she went to watch tv. Once I was done I joined her and laid my head in her lap.

"So.....whats for dessert?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

She smacked my forehead "Stop being nasty"

"But you like it though"

"Nope, save the nastiness for your hoes"

"Oh, I see. Somebody is jealous" I poked her stomach

"Stop it and no I'm not"

I adjusted the way we were on the couch so that now I was laying between her legs with my head on her stomach.


Asia POV

I woke up to find me and Chris still laying on the couch. We must've fallen asleep watching tv. I was about to get up until I looked at Chris sleeping peacefully on me. "Awwww" I lightly ran my hand across the side of his face, "so cute." I continued to watch him sleep until I fell back asleep myself.

Chris POV

It's around 11am and Asia is still sleep. Maybe I should let her sleep.........NOT. I lightly shook her. She didn't budge. I decided to try something different. "Asiaaaaa" I sang in her ear, she slightly moved. I kissed down her neck to her chest, she mumbled something turning her head. I kissed the other side of her neck then bit it.

"Shit" she lowly moaned then sat up a little "Chris, the hell you doing?"

"I had to wake you up somehow" I shrugged and walked away

"Always playing" she got up and walked towards her bedroom. I behind followed her.

"Asia?".........."Asia I know you hear me"

"What Chris"

"You mad?" I asked trying to keep a straight face

"Hell no now get out"

"Nope" I stepped closer to her

"Can you move back please"

"What?" I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me "What you say I ain't hear you" she bit her lip as I laid her on the bed and climbed on top of her pinning her arms down. I stared at her for a moment taking in her beauty then I kissed her, surprisingly she kissed me back. I bit slid my tongue over her bottom lip, she opened her mouth and allowed me entrance. My tongue danced around her mouth then I broke the kiss going down to her neck. She let out soft moans as I continued to kiss and suck on her neck leaving hickies everywhere.

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