Navaeah Brown

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2 years later.....

Asia POV

"Come on Vae. You have to get dressed so we can go."

She shook her head "No"

Getting her dressed is always a task. It takes me atleast 45 mintues to get her ready. I finally got her shoes on and was about to walk out of the door until I noticed she stopped in the living room.

"Whats wrong now?" I kneeled down

"Apple?" She pointed to the kitchen

"You want an apple?"

She nodded. I stood up and got her an apple. After peeling and slicing it, I picked her up and headed out of the house.

I dropped Navaeah off at my parents house. They moved to Miami after I had Vae. They've been very supportive.

I had a lunch date with Grace today. I don't get to see her that often so I was excited to meet up with her today. I pulled into the parking lot of the café and walked inside.

"Hi" I gave Grace a hug "I missed you."

"I missed you too." We both sat down at the table.

"Where's my baby?" Grace asked

"I dropped her off at my moms house."

"Awww I wanted to see her."

"I'll take you by there before you go. How's LA?"

"Same. Still alot of traffic, alot of gossip, nothing new." She answered "Have you talked to Chris?"

Hearing his name made my stomach turn. I don't really talk about Chris. I've tried to push him as far back in my mind as he can go. "Nope. I haven't. I called while I was in the hospital and some girl answered. So after that I continued to call but I didn't get an answer. Eventually the number got changed. I even sent pictures through the mail." I laughed "But they got sent right back so I took it as he didn't want anything to do with Vae so I just stopped. The last time I tried to contact him was when Vae was around 8 months. I'm not stressing it though. Me and her are good and that's all that matters." I shrugged

Grace nodded "I understand. I haven't seen him since you left. If Michael says he's coming over I either stay in my room or go out."

"You are crazy."

"No, crazy would be me shoving a chopstick up his ass but I'm a changed woman."

"I can't with you today." I laughed

"Have you heard that he has a girlfriend?"

"Good for him." I sipped my water

"Just a heads up, I heard that they were going to be in Miami sometime this week."

"How long are you going to be here?" I completely ignored what she had just said

"Until next week probably."

"Good. I need you to keep Vae on thursday for me."

"No problem. I miss my little munchkin."


I watched Navaeah as she ran through the house screaming. My mom gave her some chocolate while she was over there.

"You ready for bed?"

"No!" She screamed and ran down the hall.

I followed her as she ran through the house. I picked her up when she got to her room. I changed her clothes and put her in her bed. She was sleep in no time. I sat on the floor beside her bed and stared at her. She looks just like Chris. Her ears, her eyes, her nose, she even have some of the same facial expressions. I kissed her forehead and left out of her room.

I walked across the hall to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and took a nice, relaxing shower. I enjoy the moments that I have to myself since I'm usually occupied with work and Navaeah.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair as I walked into my closet. I pulled on an oversized shirt and climbed into bed.

I checked instagram since I had a few notifications. I scrolled through and liked a few posts before putting my phone on the nightstand. I watched netflix all night until I fell asleep.

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