Trouble in Paradise

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Chris POV

"Baby listen, you gotta believe me. This isn't my baby!" I pulled Asia to me and wiped her tears

"Did you or did you not fuck her?" She asked

"Baby....I uhhh" I scratched the back of my head

"Answer the question Chris"

I sighed "Yea I fucked her but I swear I used a condom"

She didn't say anything she just walked away. A few seconds later I heard doors slamming so I ran upstairs. She had bags and was throwing clothes into them.

Asia POV

"I can't believe this shit" I mumbled to myself

"You leaving?" I heard Chris ask from behind me

I laughed a little "Yes I'm leaving. You thought I was staying here?! Ha!" I continued to pack my stuff

"You can't leave me" He wrapped his arms around my waist

"Get off of me" I tried to get his arms off me

"No, I want you to stay. I fucked up and I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?" We now stood face to face "Fuck your sorry! That's the same bitch that was bold enough to step to me when I wasn't even fucking with you!" I pushed him. I was furious, tears streaming down my face "I trusted you Chris, I really did. You know about my past relationships but yet you doing the same shit. I told you before we even got together that you aren't having me and your hoes but obviously you thought I was joking. Did you even consider my feelings? It doesn't matter though does it? It's all about Chris right?"

"Asia le-"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear shit you have to say." I grabbed my bags and walked to my car

After a 30 minute drive, I arrived at my apartment. I sat in the parking lot crying. How could he do this to me? The man that said he loved me could possibly have a child by someone else.

Chris POV

I opened the door letting Tyga in. I haven't talked to Asia since she left last night. I keep calling but it goes straight to voicemail

"Man I fucked up" I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face

"What you do? Enlighten a nigga" he laughed

"So you know the bitch Sasha I was fucking with?"

He nodded

"Well I haven't heard from her in a while but yesterday I get a letter talking bout she taking me to court for child support"

"You got her pregnant?" He shook his head "I thought I taught you better than that. You can't be fucking these hoes raw, the fuck is wrong with you bro"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, I used a condom every time. I know that baby ain't mine but Asia flipped out and left."

"You gotta look at it from her view though. Her boyfriend, who happens to be one of the top artists in the music industry, just got served papers for child support. How would you feel?"

"I get it, I fucked up" I paused for a moment "You doing anything today?"

"Nah, probably go to the studio at 8 but other than that I'm chilling"

"Good, let's go" I grabbed my keys and walked out the house

"Where we going?" Tyga asked as he got in my car

"I think Sasha deserves a visit" I smirked as I pulled out of the driveway

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