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6 Months Later

Asia POV

I walked into my apartment after a long day of work. It was cool though because I loved shoes so it wasn't too bad. I sat my keys on the counter as I made my way to my bedroom. I stripped out of my work clothes and took a shower. Once done, I stepped out of the shower and went to get clothes to put on. I screamed as I turned around and saw Chris sitting on my bed.

"CHRIS! What the hell! Why are in here?! How did you even get in here?!"

"Chill out Asia" He Laughed "I got in with your spare key. You really need a new hiding place."

"Yeah, whatever, what do you want?" I said as I put my clothes on.

"I just came to chill with my best friend"

"Oh really. None of your hoes want you today? They too busy for Breezy?" I laughed and walked over to him "But since you're here..." I pulled him up off my bed "go make me something to eat."

"Umm who are you talking to?" He asked as he looked around the room.

"Go on Chrissy, I'm hungry" I smacked his ass

He popped my hand. "Stop touching my ass Asia, that shit is gay"

I folded my arms and pouted.

"Stop that shit. What you want to eat?"

"Some uhhhh some bhocolate bhip bookies"

He straight faced me and walked out of my room.

"Ok ok ok" I laughed as I walked behind him "I want tacos."


Chris POV

"You want to play ball with me, tyga and aug tomorrow? 2 on 2?" I asked as I walked out the kitchen

"Nah I can't. I actually have a date tomorrow." She smirked at me

"A date? With who?"

"This chick I met. Why you so nosey?"

"I was just wondering but excuse me."

She let out a small smile "You're so cute Chrissy" she pinched my cheek.

I shook my head. Here she go with this.

"You know, you never told me why you don't 'fuck with dudes'. I know I asked before but you avoided the question"

She sat up "It's not that I don't fuck with ya'll I'm just taking a break. My last relationship with a man went left and I'm not trying to go through that right now, even though bitches is crazy too" She chuckled then continued "Don't get me wrong, I love men" She bit her lip as she stared at the wall "But I'm just on pussy right now." She laughed

"I understand. You should let me fuck you. One time is all you need." I smiled at her.

She stared at me for a few seconds then busted out laughing "You should let me fuck you" she copied me as she continued laughing "you are a character Chris, you really are."

Asia POV

I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to get some fruit snacks. I was reaching into the cabinet when I felt someone behind me.

"Chris, what are you doing?"

No response

I turned around to find Chris standing there looking down at me. Without saying a word he picked me up and sat me on the counter and stood between my legs.

He leaned in so his lips was at my ear "You're so beautiful" he said, sending chills down my spine. This man was getting me wet without touching me.

"You know........" he ran his fingertips down my arms causing me to shiver "I could have you right now if I wanted you" He said, now closer to my neck

"C-Chris move" I said shakily as I tried to push him back

"Why? I make you nervous?" He chuckled lowly against my skin

I closed my eyes and bit my lip. His head was now in the crook of my neck.

He moved back and tapped my thigh "Go change ya panties baby girl. I'll be in the living room" He took my fruit snacks and walked off smirking leaving me there on the counter in shock.

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