The talk

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Asia POV

I turned my car off. I had just arrived at the doctor for my annual check-up. I signed in then took a seat in the waiting room. Twenty minutes past before I was called back.

"Ms. Reyes?" Dr. Stevens called

I followed him to an exam room. He checked my weight before asking me a series of questions.

"Do you smoke?"

"You trying to match?" We both laughed "No I don't"



"Sexually active?"

"Hell yea" I cleared my throat "I mean...yea"



"Any health problems?"


"Any unusual symptoms?"


"Ok. Good. We're just going to run a few tests, check you out and you'll be on your way."

1 hour later....

"Alright Ms. Reyes, take this paper to the front desk and you're all done."

I took the paper and headed out. I decided to stop by Grace's house since I hadn't seen her in a while.

I drove down the road towards her house. Traffic seemed to be extra crazy today.

"Fucking asswipe!" I yelled at the car that pulled out in front of me.

I finally got to her house. I jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Hey Asia" Michael answered the door

"Wassup. Grace here?"

"Yeah, in the kitchen" he stepped to the side letting me in.

"What you doing" I looked over her shoulder

"Damn, back up off me" she laughed "I'm just rinsing some fruit off, want some?"

"Ummm nah, you have any ice cream?" I looked through her freezer

"Nope, I'm trying to eat healthy, you should try it"

"Fuck all that" I waved her off. I looked through the cabinets until I found some oreos

"I guess this will do" I sat on the counter and opened the package

"Don't eat all of King's cookies"

"That's my lil nigga, he don't mind"


I was still at Grace's house. We decided to chill at her house today. Anything is better than being bored at home by myself. I grabbed my phone off of the couch beside me. I slid my finger across the screen to answer the call.


"Hi, Ms. Reyes. It's Dr. Stevens. I'm calling because the results from your blood work have came back and I need to discuss a few things with you so if you could come back down here as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated."

"Ok. I can come now."

"Great. See you then. Bye"

"Bye" I ended the call

I tapped Grace "You wanna ride with me? My doctor just called."

"Sure" She answered

We climbed into my range rover and I drove back to my doctor's office. Grace stayed in the car while I went in.

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