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Asia POV

"Everything you need is in the kitchen. Her toys are in her room. She usually eats apples throughout the day and they are on the bottom shelf. I never know how long the shoots are going to be so if you have to leave just take her to my mom's house." I informed Grace. "Bye baby" I kissed the top of Navaeah's head.

I was running late so I rushed out of the house. Hopping into the car, I drove as fast as I could to get there on time.

"Hi Kat." I greeted the receptionist as I walked to my dressing room. I quickly changed before walking out to get my make up done. I don't really like wearing make up so I make sure they always do something simple. Laura finished up my face and I walked over to the backdrop and stood in place.

"I apologize for running a little late. I had some technical issues. Are you available all day today?"

"Yes I am."

"Great." He clapped his hands "I need you for a couple other sets today."

I agreed and He began taking pictures. When I'm infront of the camera, I feel like a different person.

"Arms up" He instructed "Perfect. Now we're going to do a couple freestyle shots. I want you to pose however you want. Relax and do whatever comes to your mind."

We finished up about 2 hours later. I had to quickly change and meet Ryan at the other set. As I walked in, I was informed that this set was for Trey Songz. He needed visuals for a single he was about to put out. Hearing that made me extremely nervous.

Trey made sure I was comfortable with every picture we took.

"Your name is Asia right?" Trey asked

I nodded

"Have you ever done music videos before?"

"No I haven't"

"Well I want you in mine. Can you do that for me?" He smiled

My eyes grew wide "Uhh s-sure I can."

We exchanged numbers so he could give me details about the video.


It seems like I have been at work forever. Ryan told me not to leave because he may need me later on for his last set. I just spoke to Grace, she took Vae to my parents because she had to leave. I sat in the lounge area watching tv.

"Asia Reyes to set 8." The building's intercom went off.

I got up and grabbed a donut before walking out of the lounge. I walked down the hall and out of the exit door, set 8 was in a different building.

Walking into the set, it was filled with different models. I was confused as to why I was there if models were already on set.

"Wassup? You needed me?" I sat beside Ryan.

"Yes I do, go get changed. Hurry!"

I quickly changed and came back. I was a little uncomfortable with all of the other girls there but I didn't let it show. I was finally done after taking numerous shots. So I went back to the main building so I could get my things and leave.

I heard a very familiar laugh as I turned the corner. It got louder as I walked to the room where my things were.

I stood in the doorway. It's like I was frozen. I couldn't move. I never thought I would see him again. All this time and here he is not even 5 feet away. I looked to my left and there she was, on her phone not paying attention. That's his girlfriend? He can't be serious. Thankfully his back was towards me. I looked around the room for my jacket and hat. It just so happened to be on the table in front of him. Great. I mentally sighed. I slowly walked over to the table.

"Excuse me." I reached for my jacket

"My bad." He moved his foot

I grabbed my jacket and hat but my phone fell, sliding across the floor. "Shit." I mumbled

"I got it." He went to pick up my phone. "Here you go....." He trailed off as our eyes met. It was an awkward silence between us.

"Thanks Chris." I took my phone from his hand

"Wait. How have you been?"

"I'd rather not have this conversation right now." I walked out of the room only to be followed

"Asia!" He called

"What?! What do we have to talk about? Nothing. So please let me go."

"I missed you Asia."

I chuckled "Yea. Right. It's funny how the bitch I caught you with is now your girlfriend. I have to go." I walked out of the building.

I sat in my car. 2 years and it seems like the moment I see him all of my feelings want to come back. My passenger door open and Chris got in. Why didn't I lock my doors?

"Get out." I kept my head on the steering wheel

"Just talk to me. I'm not leaving until you talk."

"Hi. Bye. Now get out."

"Ha. Very funny. I'm being serious Asia."

"So am I. Look I have to go and get Navaeah from my moms house. My number hasn't changed. So if you really need to talk just call me."

"Navaeah?" His face scrunched up

It took everything in me not to punch him. "Yes Chris, Navaeah. The child that I was in labor with for 14 hours. The little girl that looks just like you. The little girl who is going to be two soon. You don't remember? Wait, I forgot, you wouldn't know any of that because you've been avoiding me. Now if you could please remove yourself from my car so I can leave, it would be greatly appreciated." I flashed him a fake smile.

"Her name is Navaeah? Can I see her? And you can't blame that on me. You left and never contacted me again."

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Everytime I called some bitch answered, which was probably Andrea since she is your girlfriend now. I was even nice enough to send pictures but guess what. They got sent back so don't try to pull that bullshit with me." I was beyond irritated. "Just get the fuck out."

Chris POV

"Calm yo ass down. Now, I'ma call you later on tonight because I want to see my daughter."

"Yea, whatever." She waved me off as I got out of her car.

She drove off and I walked back into the building. Going into the room I was in, I sat in a chair across the room.

I cleard my throat "Andrea"

She looked up. "Yes babe?"

I clenched my jaw and sat back "I need to ask you something."

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