Opportunity Knocks

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Asia POV

"Come on. I don't want to sit in the house all day." I whined as I laid my head on Grace's shoulder

"Alright, let's go somewhere. Now get off me" She lightly pushed me

"Let's go" I stood up pulling her with me

We arrived at the mall a few minutes later. I parked and we both got out walking into the mall. As we began shopping a few people stopped me asking for a picture because they know that I'm Chris' girlfriend.

We went into about every store before I got hungry

"I'm hungry, let's go to the food court"


We sat down at an empty table after ordering Chinese food.

"How's Michael?" I asked as I ate

"He's good, always in the studio" she rolled her eyes

"Yea, Chris is starting to be like that. I understand that's his job but damn I need time too. He needs a home studio" we both laughed

Our conversation was interrupted by someone walking over to us

"Excuse me?" the person said

Me and Grace looked up at the man

"Aren't you Asia Reyes? Chris Brown's girlfriend?"

I nodded

"Well I'm Mark. I work for a modeling agency known as Inked" he held his hand out

I looked down at his hand then back at him

He awkwardly laugh "Uh, ok. I actually came over here to offer you an opportunity to model for us. We manage tattooed models and I think you would be a perfect fit." He handed me his card "Call me anytime" he then walked off

"Oooo you rude as hell" Grace shook her head

"How? I don't shake random people's hands." I shrugged and continued eating

9:18 PM

I walked into the house carrying my bags


No answer

I shook my head making my way upstairs putting my bags into the closet. I stripped out of my clothes, took a hot shower then got in the bed. I scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes before going to sleep.


Waking up the next morning I noticed Chris' clothes on the floor. I rolled out of bed and went down stairs.

"Chris, what time did you get home last night?" I got an apple off of the kitchen counter

"I don't know. Does it really matter? I'm here now" he replied, never looking up from his phone.

"Yes it does matter you're my boyfriend, you shouldn't be coming home after 3 am every night"

"I was in the studio"

"I don't give a fuck where y- you know what, I'm not even going to argue with you right now" I left the kitchen going back upstairs

Chris POV

"Asia!" I called after her but she kept walking

"Asia I know you hear me calling you"

This music shit has been so stressful. I know it's no walk in the park but damn. I shook my head. I need a drink. I walked over to the cabinet getting a bottle of Hennessey taking a few big gulps. I returned the bottle to the shelf and sat at the table with my head in my hands.

Being an artist has its ups and downs. Don't get me wrong there are some good times. The ladies love me and they throw their self at me. I smiled but it soon turn into a frown. I think I love that shit too much. I almost cheated on Asia last night. "Fuck!" I sighed. I got to get my shit together. I got the bottle of Hennessey back out pouring me a glass before sitting back down and thinking.


Me and Tyga were finishing a few songs for our new album we have together. It was me, him and a couple girls. We finished up our last song but we sat around discussing ideas about the rest of the album.

Soon after, everyone was leaving except for this girl named Andrea.

"You got a ride?" I asked sitting in one of the chairs

"Yea...I do" She answered

"Cool" I nodded before getting up

"Wait" she put her hand on my chest

"Wassup?" I looked down

"I know you have a girlfriend and all but....." she began walking, I stepped back until I stumbled falling on the chair behind me "maybe we can have something between us, nobody has to know" she sat on my lap

"Uh, nah I don't really thin-" before I could finish my sentence, her lips were on mine.

Surprisingly I kissed her back. Gripping her ass I deepened the kiss but a feeling of guilt came over me so I pulled away and pushed her off of me

"What's wrong?" she asked

"I have a girlfriend, I can't do this" I got up, grabbing my phone and leaving the studio

Flashback ended

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Asia yelling

"Chris! I know your ass hear this damn doorbell! Sitting down here drinking and shit" She answered the door and came back minutes later with an envelope in her hand

"Here" she tossed me the envelope "Certified mail, what have you done?" she eyed me

"I haven't did shit" I took another drink of Hennessey from my cup

"Open it. I want to see what it is."

"You open it" I handed the envelope back to her

"Fine" She opened it and began reading. Her mouth fell open and tears fell from her eyes

"What is it?" I grabbed the paper from her reading it for my self. I was shocked at what I read "a court order..........for child support?"

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